Sport Ireland seeking input to the development of a Coaching Network for Elite Female Coaches
Sport Ireland plans to establish a coaching network for elite-level female coaches and is calling on elite female coaches to have their say and input in to the form that this may take.
An overriding finding from Sport Ireland Women in Sport Coaching Research was the need to better develop coaching networks. 58% of active female coaches indicated that they would like to observe other coaches in their sport and felt that not being part of a coaching network hampered their advancement opportunities. Of those who didn’t have one, 86% indicated that they would like a coaching network.
Following further exploration in a focus group of elite level coaches, participants described how they can feel isolated n their development and would benefit from a network of similar level coaches for support and learning.
Hayley Harrison, Sport Ireland Coaching and high performance athletics coach added, “Coaching elite level athletes brings with it a set of challenges that only other coaches of elite level athletes or teams will experience; so bringing these coaches together in the form of a network will provide specific and specialised support to this vital group of coaches in Irish sport”.
Director of Sport Ireland Coaching Michael McGeehan stated, “The emergence of a network of practice will allow coaches exchange information, ask for and share knowledge with each other, build relationships and in turn improve their personal performance and interactions in the high performance space”
Sport Ireland Head of High Performance Coaching, Stephen Maguire added, “Elite sport is a challenging and sometimes unforgiving environment in which that moment of brilliance or the smallest of mistakes can be the difference between winning at the very highest world level or going home empty handed. We have some tremendous role models here in Ireland in elite sport, women who have taken on the world and won. Coaching should be no different, we have elite female coaches in Ireland who understand what’s needed to succeed at the very highest level, bringing a network of high performing and driven coaches together will provide a forum in which World Class coaching practices can be shared and developed.”
Sport Ireland are currently seeking input from female coaches from across Ireland who might be interested in being part of this elite coaching network to give their input in to the format and advise on what they would like to get out of it.
Coaches are encouraged to register their interest and contribute their input via the following survey link www.surveymonkey.com/r/KMHJ2SX