Safeguarding Campaign
Sport Ireland Ethics Unit
Monday the 25th of September until Friday the 29th of September 2023.
This campaign will be showcased on the Sport Ireland website and socials media platforms through digital posts, but it will conclude with a Networking Event at the Sport Ireland Campus Conference Centre. The Ethics Unit is looking forward to celebrating all the positive work the National Children's Officers and Safeguarding teams are completing as part of their roles within the sporting sector and feel that the NCO/Safeguarding network are an incredibly dynamic group that deserve to have the work they are completing highlighted and recognised.
This year, the Sport Ireland Campaign aligns with the the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, ‘Children First Awareness Week’ which is the same calendar week. More information on this awareness week can be found below.
Campaign Digital Pack & Information

National Children's Officers
Each Governing Body of Sport should appoint a National Children's Officer. The National Children's Officer should be a member of the Executive Committee, or have access to the committee and its accompanying documents, to ensure that children's interests are kept on, and influence the decisions of, the agenda of the Governing Body.

Safeguarding Guidance Document
Sport Ireland & Sport NI are committed to ensuring that the best interests of children and young people attending our services are of paramount importance.

National Code of Conduct Template
In response to several high-profile incidents, Sport Ireland partnered with representatives from the Irish sports sector, including referees and officials, to develop a template for a code of conduct for sport in Ireland.

Children First Awareness Week
The campaign aims to raise awareness of Children First and remind everyone, including organisations and individuals working or volunteering with children and young people, of our collective responsibility to keep them safe in our communities.

Sport Ireland Ethics
Sport Ireland’s remit is to develop and disseminate guidelines and codes of practice promoting best practice for the protection of children in sport consistent with child protection guidance and legislation. In order to advance this function Sport Ireland engages with over 60 autonomous National Governing Bodies of Sport to raise awareness of and promote behaviours to uphold good practice and fair play in all sport.

Young Voices Toolkit
The aim of this project is to give volunteers and members of staff in sporting organisations a clear under-standing of what they need to do to involve their young members in decision-making.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Sport Ireland launched its first Diversity and Inclusion Policy in Sport which expresses its vision for a sport sector that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusion, and is pro-active in providing opportunities for lifelong participation for everyone.

Sport Ireland has launched the Changing the Game campaign to support Sport Ireland’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy in Sport which expresses its vision for a sport sector that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusion, and is pro-active in providing opportunities for lifelong participation for everyone.

Positive Stories Contributed by the Sports Sector
The Sport Ireland Safeguarding campaign will be showcased on the Sport Ireland website and socials media platforms through digital posts.
The following originations have contributed content around their work.
- Triathlon Ireland
- Swim Ireland
- Vision Sports Ireland
- Tennis Ireland
- Camogie Association
The below Ethical Decision-Making scenarios are to help organisations, sport leaders, coaches', officials etc. facilitate discussion and create awareness around diversity.
This scenario provides an opportunity to work through actions to take following a complaint of racism during play.
This scenario works through a situation where a bystander takes action and calls out inappropriate language.