Sport Ireland publishes Research Strategy 2021-2027
Sport Ireland today published its Research Strategy 2021-2027 which sets out the role of research in supporting Sport Ireland to achieve its organisational objective of delivering a world-class sports sector operating to the highest standards of governance and accountability and contributing towards the National Policy objectives for sport.
This strategy marks Sport Ireland’s commitment to support a culture of curiosity and progress underpinned by robust research across the sports sector. The Sport Ireland Research and Innovation Unit will lead, grow, actively share and champion credible research undertaken by Sport Ireland and the Irish sports sector.
Minister of State for the Gaeltacht & Sport, Jack Chambers TD welcomed the publication, commenting: “I am delighted to see the publication of the Sport Ireland Research Strategy 2021-2027. The National Sports Policy tasked Sport Ireland with the development of a research strategy. It identifies how, as a sector, we can generate, capture and share insights to better understand the key policy questions around sport and to develop better solutions to the challenges we seek to address. The publication of the Strategy in a significant step in generating meaningful insights across participation, performance and high performance. It will inspire new thinking and drive action in the sporting ecosystem in Ireland. This strategy is developed on the premise of collaboration and recognises the potential of a connected and collaborative sports research network of National Governing Bodies, Local Sports Partnerships, sports clubs, third level institutions, state agencies and enterprise. Trustworthy and focused research will progress the story of sport in the years to come and Sport Ireland will be at the fore front of this. I look forward to seeing future research and innovation and the impact that this will have in informing future decision making and policy development.”
The research strategy is based on five strategic goals including
- Focused Research
- Purposeful Collaboration
- Collective Capability
- Applied Knowledge
- Research Excellence
Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy commented: “The Research strategy outlines the Research and Innovation Unit’s plan to be thought leaders and grow, actively share and champion credible research undertaken by Sport Ireland and the Irish sports sector. From participation to high performance and everything in between, Sport Ireland aims to lead the generation and mobilisation of knowledge. Collaboration is key to the success of research and I would like to thank our Sport Ireland colleagues, National Governing Bodies, Local Sports Partnerships, Government Departments, and Government Agencies who have input in to the development of the strategy. This collaboration will continue over the coming years and will result in robust and trustworthy insights”.
Director of Participation, Dr. Úna May; “In Sport Ireland, we recognise the responsibility we have in undertaking and advancing research and insights in to sport and physical activity at all levels. The Strategy outlines the vision and mission of Sport Ireland and the Research & Innovation Unit in leading this research. This research will be inclusive, reflecting the diversity of not only sports but participants also”.
Director of Research & Innovation in Sport Ireland, Benny Cullen added: “The Research Strategy outlines 26 actions across five strategic goals. The Sport Ireland Research & Innovation Unit will lead on the delivery of these actions in close collaboration with the sector and other relevant institutions and organisations. We aim to be thought leaders in the sport sector and are open to innovative strategies and technologies to progress the development of sport in Ireland”.