Digital Catalyst Fund 2024

The Digital Catalyst Fund is a grant scheme that supports digital transformation endeavours for the Irish sports sector. Sport Ireland will provide support to recognised National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) and other Sport Ireland Funded Bodies based on the conditions and criteria outlined in this document.
Sport Ireland are seeking applications from LSPs, NGBs, and SI-funded bodies with a clear project proposal for digital transformations within their organisation. Digital transformation may include small to medium scale digital projects that improve the administration and management of sport, aid data collection, analytics and storage, enhance the experience and/or performance of members, participants, athletes, volunteers or spectators, support education and training functions, or develop communication and live streaming of sport opportunities. LSPs, NGBs, and SI-funded bodies can apply for funding from Sport Ireland to undertake a digital transformation project in partnership with technology companies and other service providers. Projects that involve two or more sport bodies coming together will also be welcomed.
The scheme can be connected to Sport Ireland’s Digital for Sport Initiative which operates with the Skillnet Innovation Exchange. Digital Catalyst Fund applicants may wish to engage with the Digital for Sport initiative ahead of submitting an application. The Digital for Sport initiative supports sport bodies to identify and articulate a digital challenge they are experiencing. Sport Bodies are then invited to present this challenge to a large network of technology solution providers in Ireland. Within two to three weeks a number of solution providers will respond with written proposals outlining a fully costed technological solution. This written proposal can be used for budgeting purposes. Further, the proposal from the preferred supplier can be included with the Digital Catalyst Fund application, to strengthen the submission.
Sport Bodies may also wish to register and avail of services from the Factory Exchange. This is an EU funded programme that involves a range of consultancy partners, who can provide sporting organisations with free digital transformation consultation and support services, including digital maturity assessment, digital road maps, data analytics, and adoption of AI technologies.