€6.1m Boost for Sport and Physical Activity Measures
Sport Ireland has today announced an investment package of €6.1m in Tranche 1 Dormant Accounts Funding for a wide range of sport and physical activity measures across Ireland through the Local Sports Partnership Network, Cara, and Sport Ireland.
The investment aims to engage communities across the country, focusing on people living in disadvantaged communities, people with a disability, women and girls, and people who are educationally disadvantaged. Inclusion is a core value within sport, with sports inclusion disability projects also being prioritised within the funding.
Speaking about the new round of Dormant Account Funding, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, said: “This latest round of funding for the promotion and development of sport amongst those experiencing disadvantage or with a disability shows the Government’s determination to bring in a targeted and focused way the benefits of sport and physical activity to these marginalised communities. The Programme for Government agreed in 2020 spoke of sport being at the heart of a flourishing community and it made a clear commitment to encourage and promote people’s personal health, wellbeing, and physical activity. This €6.1m. programme of measures will help to address inequalities in sports participation, in particular those experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage. There is a wide variety of measures being implemented and I am especially pleased about the initiative to get girls more active in sport, too many of whom are still dropping out of sport in their teenage years. I encourage all concerned to actively engage with this exciting programme”
This investment is closely aligned with the National Sports Policy and the National Physical Activity Plan, with the funding being disseminated into three areas; 1) Community Sports & Physical Activities Hubs (CSPAHs); 2) National Sport Education & Training and 3) Sports Measures for Disadvantaged Communities. A particular emphasis is placed on implementing programmes to promote physical activity, making sport and physical activity accessible to people from diverse backgrounds, people with a disability and the development of programmes to address transitions and drop out from physical activity.
Accessibility, availability, and opportunity are components to the Dormant Accounts Funding, with this investment showcasing the importance of increasing activity levels for people in Ireland.
Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for Sport and the Gaeltacht Jack Chambers TD added: “I am delighted to announce this significant investment of Dormant Accounts Funding to develop and promote participation initiatives aimed at disadvantaged communities. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of launching a new €2m. fund for the provision by sports clubs of sport opportunities for people with disabilities. Today’s announcement of a further €6.1m. of Dormant Accounts funding will enable us to provide further targeted measures to make sport available for all, not just for those that have easier access to sports facilities or can afford it. I am excited about the range and variability in this programme. Not only does the programme seek to address and promote decisive action on contemporary issues and challenges such as the importance of sport for at-risk youth in urban settings or in helping young people to cope with exam pressures, there are also some very welcome initiatives aimed at securing longer-term benefits through youth leadership development and research studies into the unique problems presented in disadvantaged communities.”
Joe O’Brien, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, who has delegated responsibility for the Dormant Account Fund, welcomed the announcement of the disbursement of dormant funds for these sports measures. Minister O’Brien said: ““Dormant Accounts funding makes a real difference to individuals and communities right across the country. These sporting measures will help increase participation in sport and physical activity in local communities”.
Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, Dr. Úna May, commented: “The Dormant Accounts Funding will enable Sport Ireland to further support our Local Sports Partnerships and Cara to provide equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their circumstances. The National Sports Policy 2018-2027 has provided the framework for Sport in Ireland to continue to grow and this investment through the LSP’s and Cara will play an important part in increasing activity levels of people in Sport in Ireland and removing the barriers and preventative aspects for getting involved in sport.”
Click here to read the full breakdown of the Dormant Accounts Funding.