#BeActive Awards 2021
The #BeActive awards were created to support projects and individuals that are dedicated to promoting sport and physical activity across Europe. The awards have three categories:
#BeActive Education Award
This award aims to demonstrate how education can encourage kids to #BeActive outside the typical sport/physical activity taking place in their normal school day. This may include additional activities, scheduling days outside of class that focus on sport, after-school activities and other creative solutions that build an active education environment.
#BeActive Workplace Award
This award celebrates exemplary activities in the workplace that encourage employees to #BeActive. This may include setting up a staff taskforce responsible for promoting physical activity, provision of showers for cycling/running commuters, standing meetings, lunchtime walks and other creative solutions to form an active working environment.
#BeActive Local Hero Award
This award honours individual achievement in motivating others to #BeActive. The award recognises individuals who have worked consistently to promote participation in sport and/or physical activity in their local community.
This year, Sport Ireland are delighted to nominate 2 individuals for the #BeActive Local Hero Award, while nominating 3 schools for the #BeActive Education Award.