Activities for All

Activities for All
Developed by Sport Ireland and it's network of Local Sports Partnerships, the Activities For All Physical Activity Plan aims to support people with a disability to be more active on a daily basis.
The National Physical Activity Plan for Ireland, recommends that people with disabilities should be as active as their ability allows. Aim to meet adult guidelines of at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on 5 days a week.
Daily physical activity has many benefits, including:
- Increased physical strength
- Improved body confidence
- Higher levels of positive mental health
- Developing transferable skills for everyday life
How to use the 4 week plan
The Activities for All Physical Activity Plan contains:
- Physical Activity Planner
- Home Exercise Activity Cards
Plan each day – Making it Happen
By planning our daily activity at the start of the week or in the evening we are less likley to avoid or forget to do it. The activity planner asks a few simple questions to help focus the mind and set out the physical activity goals.
Activity Cards
The activity cards contain 8 exercises that can be done at home using minimal equipment. All activities are fully adaptable and can be performed seated or standing depending on ability.
Physical Activity Planner
The physical activity planner helps people to plan, schedule, account for and reflect on their exercise activity. There is also a sense of satisfaction in looking at the tracker at the end of each day or week and seeing what has been achieved.
Further Support
Sport Ireland and it's network of Local Sports Partnerships work hard to help people to be physically active. For help with any aspect of this plan or to find out how and where to avail of other physical activity opportunities, please contact your Local Sports Partnership.