womeninsport.ie Wins Best Sport & Leisure Website at 2007 Golden Spiders

27 Nov 2007

Winners of the 2007 eircom Golden Spider Awards were unveiled at a gala black-tie event in Dublin’s Burlington Hotel, on Thursday, 22nd November 2007 hosted by comedian Jason Byrne and model/TV presenter Glenda Gilson. Over 700 representatives from the Online community were in attendance to honour their colleagues and Industry members for their online success of 2007.

The Irish Sports Council’s dedicated women in sport website was successful in the Sport and Leisure category.

In other categories the food sector featured prominently with cullyandssully.com scooping of the prestigious awards. The User Generated Content Award went to ifoods.tv, safefood.eu received Best Interactive Marketing Campaign and Best New Indigenous Website went to menupages.ie.

In other areas, newstalk.ie won Best News & Digital Media Website and b2b.newbridgesilverware.ie was awarded Best e-Business Website. Other winners included dublinwaste.ie for Best Public Sector Website and lightbox.ie for Best Web Design & Development Agency.

The eircom Golden Spider Awards also encourage and support the importance of promoting internet usage within the community which is exemplified by the Best Community or Charity Website which, this year, was won by spunout.ie.

Established in 1996, the eircom Golden Spider Awards showcase Internet excellence in Ireland. Again this year, the number of entries reached a record high – which demonstrates the continued strong role the online industry plays in Ireland today.

Commenting on the Awards, Cathal Magee, Managing Director eircom Retail and Chairman of the Golden Spider Awards Judging Panel said, “Once again the quality of the winning submissions surpassed all previous standards. So we congratulate the industry on its performance in 2007. These Awards are very important and it’s vital that we continue to see strong development in the Internet and digital media space in Ireland over the coming years.

2007 eircom Golden Spiders Award:

eircom Grand Prix Award
Winner: CullyandSully.com

Business & Finance Internet Hero Award
Winner: Dennis Jennings

AOL Best Financial Services Website
Winner: RaboDirect.ie

needavenue.ie Best Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Website
Winner: visitdublin.ie

ICAN Best News & Digital Media Website
Winner: newstalk.ie

webtrade Best Sports & Leisure Website
Winner: womeninsport.ie

FAS Best Community or Charity Website
Winner: spunout.ie

United For Children Best Education, Research & Training Website
Winner: dkit.ie

Copeland Corporate Events Best Web Design & Development Agency
Winner: lightbox.ie

City Channel Best Retail & Home Shopping Website
Winner: MicksGarage.ie

Magill Best Professional Services Website
Winner: mavericcontractors.com

rte.ie Best e-Business Website
Winner: b2b.newbridgesilverware.ie

PLANIT Best New Indigenous Website 2007
Winner: menupages.ie

The Digital Hub Use of Film, Digital Animation, Motion Graphics
Winner: powerofone.ie

jenerate.ie Best Blog
Winner: headrambles.com

The Bag Shop Best Social Networking Website
Winner: pix.ie

ireland.com Best Interactive Marketing Campaign
Winner: safefood.eu

ChristmasParty.ie Best Entertainment & Games Related Website
Winner: Rehabbingo.ie Lotteries

SaleOnline Best FMCG Website
Winner: Cullyandsully.com

Cartrawler User Generated Content Award
Winner: ifoods.tv

daft.ie Best Property Website (Non Portal)
Winner: padraigsmith.com

Arekibo Best Public Sector Website
Winner: dublinwaste.ie

For more information, visit www.goldenspiders.ie/winners.php