What Is Good Governance

21 May 2014

There is no single and exhaustive definition of "good governance," However it is generally accepted that good governance means that policies and procedures are in place to ensure an organisation is run well. Good governance is not all about rules and regulations. It is an attitude of mind. It is about the ethical culture of the organisation and the behaviour of the people on the governing body. An organisation with good governance should demonstrate transparency, responsibility, accountability and participation with all their stakeholders.

Good governance is important for several reasons. When an organisation is seen to be governed to a high standard it promotes confidence amongst the organisations stakeholders, it leads to better and more ethical decision making and it also helps organisations meet their legislative responsibilities.

Sport Ireland aims to help Funded Bodies of Sport improve the governance of their organisation. It aims at driving sport organisations to take responsibility for their own governance standards and meeting the challenges that they face. Real improvement is only achieved by the sports movement driving themselves forward.