Teachers Toolkit

23 Jul 2014

The World Anti-Doping Agency have developed a series of lesson plans and activity ideas that can be used by teachers to educate young people about the issue of doping in sport in the formal education system.

Though the kit is used by teachers all over the world, activities can be customised to meet local needs in Ireland, as well as to reflect examples of sports and athletes that are popular in Ireland.

The current material is divided into two modules.

  • The Youth Module is intended to be used with students 10-12 years of age and focuses on the harm cheating - and therefore doping - does to the ethical values of sport.
  • The Teen Module is intended to be used with students 13-16 years of age and focuses on the harm of doping from an ethical and health consequences perspective.

Sports values and anti-doping are used as themes for inclusion within areas of the curriculum that are already being taught and to encourage the development of life-long learning skills.
An overview of the content of the Teacher's Tool Kit and sample lesson plans can be downloaded below. If you interested in this programme, and would like to request an electronic version of the Teacher's Tool Kit (in PDF and/or Word format), please contact Sport Ireland on 01-8608801 or antidoping@sportireland.ie

Teacher's Tool Kit Table of Contents

Sample Lesson Plan 10-12 year olds

Sample Lesson Plan 13-16 year olds