SPORTS CAPITAL National Aquatic Centre to be returned into State ownership

14 Nov 2006

14 November 2006


CSID welcomes the outcome of today’s Supreme Court proceedings which means that the National Aquatic Centre being fully returned into State ownership as and from 30 November.  On that day CSID will begin the implementation of a contingency plan to ensure the continuing operation of this valuable piece of our national sporting infrastructure.

In taking legal proceedings against Dublin Waterworld Ltd. our sole intention has always been to regain possession of the National Aquatic Centre for the State and to ensure its continuing operation for the maximum benefit of the wider community.

We believe that today’s Supreme Court Order provides us with the opportunity to ensure the future success of the National Aquatic Centre. We wish to note that today’s Order to restore possession comes with full consent of Dublin Waterworld Ltd.

Although we are confident that the Centre is in good condition, we will, however, be carrying out a full ‘health check’ of the total facility after 30 November, with a view to dispelling any concerns in this regard once and for all.

CSID has had a contingency plan in position to take over the operation of the Centre since the High Court Judgment in our favour of 21 March 2006.  We will now put this plan into place after 30 November.  Mr David Conway of CSID, who successfully managed the Centre during the Special Olympics World Summer Games in 2003 will lead the CSID team which will also consist of external expertise where needed.

We would like to take this opportunity to reassure all existing members of staff about the future. CSID will be fully complying with its obligations under TUPE, the European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations 2003. We recognise that this has been a difficult time for the staff and we look forward to working closely with them in the future.

We would also like to reassure all members of the public, both those who are members of the Centre and those who use the facilities that it is our intention that the Centre will operate as normal.  Under the terms of the agreement with Dublin Waterworld Ltd, there should be a seamless transition to CSID so that it will be ‘business as usual’.

Once CSID has taken over and has had an opportunity to review all aspects of the operation of the National Aquatic Centre, we will make a fuller report.

The National Aquatic Centre was opened in March 2003.  Since opening it has successfully hosted the Special Olympics World Games and the European Short Course Championships.  At this latter event a number of world records were set.  We look forward to a bright future for the Centre.


For further information, please contact:
Brian Bell, WHPR  Tel: 01 669 0030