Coaching graduation 2025

Sport Ireland celebrates graduation of 39 new coach developers from 20 NGBs

14 Mar 2025
Fachtna Kelly

As part of our continuing commitment to the development of sport, Sport Ireland Coaching provides a range of programmes for Coach Developers, those experienced coaches or instructors that National Governing Bodies (NGBs) nominate to train and support their coaches and instructors.     

Sport Ireland recently celebrated the graduation of 39 new Coach Developers, Instructor Developers, and Coach Developer Assessors at a ceremony at the University of Limerick.     

These graduates came from 19 counties representing 20 different NGBs, a testament to the diversity and strength of Irish sport.    

Sport Ireland CEO Dr Úna May said: “I was delighted to be able to attend the graduation ceremony. The ceremony was a fitting tribute to the dedication and hard work of all those who took part, and is a brilliant reflection of the excellent work being carried out by Sport Ireland Coaching.      

“The graduation celebrated several milestones, honoured the dedication and enthusiasm of our coaches, and underscored our commitment to investing in their growth, which will benefit their sports.”    

The graduation class was made up of 10 Level 2 Coach Developers, 15 QQI Level 7 Certificate in Sport Coach Development graduates, and 13 Coach Developer Assessors and one Trainer of Coach Developers.    

The Level 2 Coach Developers were drawn from Archery Ireland, Basketball Ireland, Horse Sport Ireland, the Irish Amateur Boxing Association (IABA), the Irish Amateur Wrestling Association, the Irish Martial Arts Commission, the Irish Wheelchair Association, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, and Special Olympics Ireland.    

The QQI Level 7 Certificate in Sport Coach Development graduates included representatives from the Camogie Association (CA), Diving Ireland, the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) and Gymnastics Ireland.    

There were a number of firsts graduating in QQI Level 7 Certificate in Sports Coach Development category, with Paul Boyle being the first from the Camogie Association to graduate in that category, Gymnastics Ireland’s Fiona Murphy being the first woman to graduate in that category and Mark Stanley being the first to graduate as an Instructor Developer in that category.    

The FAI was well represented, with 12 individuals graduating on the night, and it now has a total of 55 QQI Level 7 Certificates in Sport Coach Development graduates.    

Among the 14 new Coach Developer Assessors and Trainers were representatives from Diving Ireland, the GAA, Hockey Ireland, the IABA, Irish Sailing, Mountaineering Ireland, Squash Ireland, Swim Ireland, and Triathlon Ireland. Nikki Foley became the first woman from the IABA to graduate as a Coach Developer Assessor.    

Sport Ireland Coaching Director Michael McGeehin said: “It is more than 30 years since our first tutors graduated, and Sport Ireland Coaching has come a long way since then. 

“We now deliver learner- or coach-centred training, which means the role of the coach educator has shifted from being deliverers of information to facilitators of coach development.   

“It’s only right that we acknowledge the hard work of all the graduates – but it’s also important that we recognise the support and sacrifice of their partners, families and friends. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them as well.”    

Among the guests at the event, which was emceed by Sport Ireland Coaching Trainer James Doran, were Sport Ireland Board Member Dr Iggy Ó Muircheartaigh, Coach Developer Programme Director Hayley Harrison, Swim Ireland tutor Johanna Tilley-Rock, and Sport Ireland Women in Sport Committee Chairperson Michelle Tanner. The keynote speech was delivered by Rowing Ireland Coach Developer / Coach Developer Assessor Robin Winkels.    

For more on our suite of Coach Developer programmes, visit: Sport Ireland Coaching | Sport Ireland  

Coaching graduation 2025
Coaching graduation 2025
Coaching graduation 2025