Sport Ireland at the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games

03 Aug 2016

A number of Sport Ireland representatives will attend the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games at the invitation of the Olympic Council of Ireland, Paralympics Ireland and the Rio 2016 Organising Committee.

Olympic Games:

The following will attend the 2016 Olympic Games at the invitation of the Olympic Council of Ireland.

  • Kieran Mulvey, Chairman
  • John Treacy, CEO
  • Paul McDermott, Director of High Performance, NGBs & Communications

Siobhan Leonard, Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Manager, has been invited by Rio 2016 Organising Committee for the Olympic Games to work as an Anti-Doping Expert at the Command Centre for the Olympic Games. 

Accommodation costs will be covered by the Olympic Council of Ireland and the Rio 2016 Organising Committee respectively. The total cost of travel for those attending the 2016 Olympic Games is: €8,614.31

Paralympic Games:

The following will attend the 2016 Paralympic Games at the invitation of Paralympics Ireland:

  • Kieran Mulvey, Chairman
  • John Treacy, CEO
  • Paul McDermott, Director of High Performance, NGBs & Communications
  • Liam Sheedy, Board Member
  • Austin Mallon, High-Performance Manager
  • Anne McCarthy, Communications Executive (seconded to Paralympics Ireland for the duration of the Games)

Accommodation costs will be covered by Paralympics Ireland. The total cost of travel for those attending the 2016 Paralympic Games is:  €7,449.74