Sport Ireland

11 Oct 2016

Sport Ireland are delighted to announce the launch of the organisation's new brand mark and visual identity. For visuals please click here

The project has been carried out over the last six months, during which time we have considered both best practice brand design from across the world and the specific requirements of Sport Ireland.

The Sport Ireland brand has been developed to provide the organisation with a vibrant and consistent visual identity to support the work that is being undertaken across the broad range of services and supports provided by Sport Ireland.

The simple logo style represents movement and collaboration, with a nod to a more modern form of Celtic design.

Considering the importance of sport across the country and the positive impact of sport on people and community, it was decided to develop a visual identity which suggested energy and vibrancy. This energy and vibrancy is best represented in the way the visual identity will be used across the constituent organisations within Sport Ireland, with bright, vibrant colours used to represent various streams of activity.

A decision was made to unite all constituent organisations within a single visual identity in order to represent Irish sport in a more united and ultimately more effective manner. Over the coming weeks, the wider visual identity will be revealed and all those involved in the representation of Sport Ireland will
be provided with a brand guidelines document to inform exactly how the new identity is to be presented.

The brand mark and the visual identity system has been created to insure that it can grow as the organisation and it's offering grows.

It is imperative that all marketing and design output from Sport Ireland affiliated groups adheres strictly to the new brand guidelines as that consistency will insure the organisation, and sport in Ireland, is presented in a more effective manner.

We look forward to providing you with the new brand assets in the coming weeks and months. For any questions or queries regarding the new brand, contact Anne McCarthy -