SARI (Sport Against Racism Ireland) "Count Me In"

12 Mar 2009

Press Information
SARI Contact: Tina Connell 086 8726223

Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) is launching an on-line campaign for young people called Count Me In to promote and support European Wide Anti - Racism week 14th - 21st March.

Using the universal language of sport, young people who believe in Respect, Fair play, Working as a team and not leaving anyone out can sign up to "I say No to Racism... Count Me In".

Count Me In will bring thousands of young people across Ireland together who want to sign up against racism. It will lend support to Ireland's next generation who as yet cannot vote but want to be counted. It's an Island wide campaign and all young people can sign up.

The campaign goes live from 9th March simply log on to the SARI website click on the Count Me In logo and follow the links. It's very straight forward and user friendly and suitable for Ages 9 (with supervision) upwards.

SARI wants teachers, parents, guardians and youth club leaders, to encourage young people to be part of the Count Me In campaign and to introduce it in their computer classes, as part of family computer time, and in youth clubs before and during Anti Racism Week.

The results of the campaign will be published on SARI's website and will be presented to President Mary McAlesse.This campaign has been designed by SARI volunteers Khurram and Nina Sebastian with the support of the SARI team.