SAILING Irish Perform on all Levels

23 Mar 2010

- Irish Race Officer joins 2012 Olympic Race Management Pool
- Irish perform at all levels on international sailing stage.

International Race Officer (IRO) Jack Roy has been selected to join the Race Management Pool from which 18 race officers will ultimately be appointed to the 2012 Olympic Sailing Regatta, which takes place in Weymouth UK.

Jack Roy has also been invited to be part of the Race Management Team at the 2010 ISAF Youth World Championship, which takes place in Istanbul, Turkey in July.

ISA Chief Executive Harry Hermon commented: "This is fantastic news! It is another example of how Ireland is increasingly raising its profile on the world stage - which can only be good for sailing at home."

Jack Roy applied for and was accepted to be part of the Race Management Pool, from which the 2012 Olympic Race Management team will be chosen. The 24 members of the pool were chosen from approximately 100 applicants by the ISAF Appointments Working Party and the ISAF Executive Committee

IRO Jack Roy explained: "I am in the final pool from which the officials for the Olympic Regatta will be selected. From previous experience ISAF generally pick a few extra to cover those who may not be available closer to the day. A position on the Race Management Team for the 2012 Games would be an honour."

This news serves to highlight how Irish sailing rates on the international stage, not just competitively but also in race management.