ROWING Home Internationals a platform for aspiring Irish rowers

26 Jul 2009

The best of Irish club rowers and aspiring juniors gather in Nottingham this weekend for the annual Home International Rowing Regatta.

"The Home Internationals gives our aspiring rowers an opportunity to go head to head against their counterparts from England, Scotland and Wales with a full days racing for both junior and senior athletes. Irish rowers have competed well in this competition over the years."

Some of the winners at the recent Irish Rowing Championships will compete including senior lightweight sculler Dave Heffernan (Shandon BC) and Carlow's successful Men's senior quad of Kevin Coughlan, Aaron Bolger, Cormac Ryan and Colm Murphy.

The junior squad will have Turlough Hughes (Kings Hospital, Dublin) and Claire d'Urso (City of Derry) compete in the respective races of the Junior Men's and Women's Single Scull.


Further Information

Martin Corcoran CEO Rowing Ireland 087 687 6738