Publication Of Speak Report 2013

31 Oct 2014

The Irish Sports Council today published the seventh SPEAK Report, which provides an overview of the operations of the national network of 31 Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) in 2013.The LSPs, an initiative of the Irish Sports Council, aim to increase participation in sport and to ensure that local resources are used to best effect.

Almost €13m was invested in the network in 2013, which also includes benefit-in-kind funding. Funding from the Irish Sports Council accounts for 41.5% of the total LSP funding in 2013, the remaining 58.5% is raised locally from other sources. The Council is once again pleased to note that over 50% of the network costs are being provided locally, which follows a recommendation from the 2005 Fitzpatrick Associates Review of the Local Sports Partnership Programme.

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD commented "I believe it is extremely important that people are encouraged and given opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity. Participation will lead to a healthier society and an overall improved quality of life. I am pleased to note that, in 2013, the LSP network maintained its robust delivery and support of an innovative range of participation programmes".

During 2013, 5,515 children in 57 primary schools benefited from receiving the Buntْs Generic programme. 1,113 pre-school children in 128 childcare centres were introduced to active play with the Buntْs Start programme. The Buntْs Generic programme is in its tenth year and has been offered to all primary schools across the country and its roll-out finished in 2013. The Buntْs Start programme will continue to be available to pre-schools across Ireland.

Key Findings Include:

  • Over 256,614 people participated in 788 locally delivered participation programmes. 175 of these 788 programmes were new programmes which were developed in 2013 leading to 38,987 people participating.
  • 758 groups have been supported with regard to developing their organisational or management structures.
  • 6,884 participants completed 458 Code of Ethics Basic Awareness courses.
  • Almost 136,000 individuals contacted the LSP network in order to access general or specific sport-related information.
  • An additional 20,032 female participants took part in 116 local Women in Sport programmes. 36 of these 116 Women in Sport programmes were new programmes developed in 2013 leading to 2,424 people participating.

Kieran Mulvey, Chairperson of the Irish Sports Council said: "This report assists the Council in assessing the impact of the Local Sports Partnership network and provides vital information with regard to the network's reach into local communities. As in previous years the Council warmly welcomes the support and contributions given to the Local Sports Partnership network by statutory, community and voluntary groups across the country".

John Treacy, Chief Executive of the Irish Sports Council commented; "The Council has always placed a particular emphasis on ensuring sport is progressive and attracts participants from every corner of Ireland, from every age group and from all social backgrounds. This is a fundamental principle of the Local Sports Partnerships which aim to remove any barrier that prevents participation in sport".

SPEAK Report 2013