Performance Science

22 Feb 2010


Winning margins are incredibly small and training time is finite. It’s therefore critical that athletes are able to train and recover optimally to be able to deliver their performance potential on the international stage. Consequently, precision and specificity are at the heart of the mission of the Performance Science team. Our aim is to support coaches to develop and deliver programmes that maximise the effectiveness of training and competition performance by providing multidisciplinary support tailored to the needs of the individual or squad. This needs to be specific to the demands of the sport and the training status of the athlete and provide coaches with information that is accurate and precise to enable them to evaluate and plan training.

The Institute provides access to a range of services that can positively impact on performance both on and off site.. These services include Biomechanics, Nutrition, Performance Analysis, Physiology, Psychology and Strength and Conditioning. The Institute works closely with sports to ensure that these services are pre-planned and tailored to each sport’s needs and that these services are embedded in to the high performance plans of each sport.  Over 40 service providers have been accredited through the Sport Professional Quality Assurance Programme (PQAP) allowing athletes and sports to work with appropriately skilled and qualified service providers.

The Institute provides access to a range of services that can positively impact on performance. These services include




Biomechanics, as a science, concentrates on several areas of sport such as how various sports techniques can be modified to suit the physical characteristics of an athlete and how the physical capacities of the athlete can be modified to suit biomechanically sound techniques. It can impact positively on performance by helping athletes develop more effective technique. As the foundations of sports biomechanics are the mechanics and the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system it can also help athlete to avoid injury.

Sports biomechanists use a wide range of tools to enhance athletes and coaches understanding of the mechanics of sporting skills. These could include the use of 3D, high speed and underwater cameras, force platforms and speed gates. Biomechanical analysis can take place in a variety of setting such as the laboratory, during training or while the athlete is in competition.  

The Sport Ireland Institute has a number of accredited Sports Biomechanists. Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Biomechanists




The overall aim of sports nutrition is to help maximise an athlete's ability to train and perform to the best of their ability. Accredited sports dietitians are recognised as the most advanced dietitians within their field. They undertake the practical application of sports nutrition and how this applies to everyday food.

Dietary assessment and consultation involves some or all of the following:

  • Assessing food and fluid patterns
  • Determining the adequacy of the diet in terms of overall energy and specific nutrients
  • Menus which fit a particular lifestyle

Advice will be monitored and adjusted as necessary to adapt to changing requirements. All advice given is sports specific advice tailored to individual needs. Sports dietitians can also advise on

  • How to lose / gain / make weight without compromising health or performance
  • Pre-competition, post competition strategies
  • Diet, fluid and travel
  • Vitamin and mineral supplementation
  • Off season advice
  • Suitable recipes and cooking guidelines

All accredited sports dietitians are either members of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) or its international equivalent.

Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Nutritionists



Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (PA) in is a relatively new area within sport science which has developed as a result of recent technological advances within the areas of IT, digital photography and video analysis software. PA provides objective feedback to athletes and coaches through the use of video analysis and statistical information. It can be used during or after an event to quantify the athletes’ performance in an accurate and reliable manner.  The analysis can then be used to:

  • Make a permanent record of performance
  • Monitor progress
  • Track changes in performance related variables
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of both the athlete and opposition

The performance analyst needs to plan the intervention with the coach to ensure that the analysis is tailored to the individual needs of the athlete.  Analysis generally takes place in field setting i.e. during training and/or competition. Feedback can be presented to the athlete and coach through reports and the compilation of CDs or DVDs. This allows the coach and athlete to further analyse the performance when required.


Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Performance Analysts




Sports physiology is concerned with the assessment, monitoring and evaluation of how the body responds and adapts to single and repeated bouts of physical exercise. Physiological monitoring can take place in laboratory or field based settings or in a combination of both and include body composition measurements, hydration testing, aerobic and anaerobic power testing, muscular strength and endurance as well as speed, power and flexibility assessments. Such monitoring is used to establish individual fitness profiles of athletes on a sports specific basis.

Physiological monitoring can:

  • Identify specific strengths and weaknesses of the athlete
  • Assist the coach in prescribing individual training programmes
  • Examine new training programmes and evaluate existing training programmes
  • Establish appropriate training levels and intensities
  • Monitor training progress and help avoid overtraining
  • Assist in peaking at the right time
  • Motivate the player/athletes
  • Assess health status
  • Make comparisons with international data for world class competitors in different sports
  • Investigate the effect training interventions and ergogenic aids on performance.

Physiological monitoring works best when it is carried out in the context of a well-structured training and competitive programme. Good communication is required between the athlete, coach and the sport physiologist. The athlete needs to have clear training and competitive goals to learn from the experience and commit to the support programme on an on-going basis.

Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Physiologists




Excellence in sport relies as much on mental factors as it does on physical, technical or tactical skills. What an athlete thinks and feels can impact significantly on their sporting performance. Using a combination of individual and group work, sports psychologists can assist athlete and coaches by addressing areas specific to preparation and competition, such as

  • Arousal and attention zone selection
  • Motivational cues and triggers
  • Focus and relaxation triggers
  • Transition management
  • Short term injury and setbacks
  • Identifying performance inhibitors

Sports psychology use principals and techniques derived from the science of psychology to help athlete achieve their goals and perform when it matters most. Sports psychologists can also assist athletes with their lifestyle choices as well as equipping them with the necessary skills to cope with the demands of being an elite performer.

In Ireland, sport psychologists have a professional background in Psychology or in Sports Science / Physical Education (or both).

Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Sports Psychologists



Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning is highlighted as one of the most important sports science disciplines by Irish sports. Strength and conditioning focuses on an athlete’s entire physical needs helping athletes improve their strength, improve their overall conditioning, identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop correct exercise techniques.

Strength and conditioning professionals work in partnership with coaches and athletes in designing programmes tailored to their specific needs. These programmes can include plyometrics, core stability, strength training, speed and agility exercises and endurance training.  Strength and conditioning is also crucial to any injury rehabilitation programme.

In Ireland, strength and conditioning professionals are NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS).

Click here to view the current list of Institute accredited Strength & Conditioning providers