PARALYMPICS Patrice Dockery announced as Irish team flag bearer for 2008 Paralympic Games

11 Aug 2008

The privilege of carrying the Nation's flag into the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium on September 6th for the 2008 Paralympic Games has been awarded to Dublin athlete Patrice Dockery. A veteran of six Paralympic Games, Patrice is one of Ireland's most decorated athletes, competing over a period of 21 years in athletics at numerous events on the world stage. Announced at the training camp today by Chef de Mission to the team, Jimmy Byrne, the Swords athlete was delighted to be awarded this honour; "When Jimmy asked me I was thrilledit was a tremendous honour and of course there was only one answer! I will be both proud and delighted in equal measure to lead this team into the Bird's Nest."

Sure to be one of the highlights of this training camp the Irish team will be addressed this evening by quite possibly Ireland's greatest female athlete, Sonia O'Sullivan as part of the series of motivational team talks. Renowned adventurer Pat Falvey and former Irish cricket coach Adi Burrell have previously addressed this Irish team. Speaking ahead of Sonia's visit Chef de Mission Jimmy Byrne said: "We are delighted and privileged to have Sonia coming to speak to the team tonight. As one of the legends of Irish sport it is a massive coup for us to have her visit the camp, and the effect it will have on our athletes will surely prove inspirational and it will be a moment to savour for all involved."

The Irish team is midway through their final whole team training camp at the University of Limerick this weekend before departure to Beijing ahead of the Games on August 24th next. In addition to training sessions the weekend provides the opportunity to iron out logistical details such as final travel plans, confirmation of performance strategies, and information sessions on nutrition and sports science, advance travel of equipment amongst much else.

Reflective of the positive attitude, Limerick put on show her best weather allowing optimum training, the benefit of which was evident to all those who were present. In attendance at this weekend's camp are ten Paralions, a term introduced this year by the Paralympic athletes and staff to describe up and coming talented athletes, as part of their effort to introduce sport to a new audience. For these athletes it is a unique opportunity to witness what being a member of a Paralympic Team is about, fostering the seeds of belief and expectation for London 2012. For the Paralympic Team athletes it is a welcome opportunity to share knowledge and experience, passing on the wealth of knowledge which could otherwise lie untapped.


For Further Information contact the press officers to the Irish team: