OLYMPICS Dr Una May receives IOC Award from Pat Hickey

15 Nov 2010

Dr Una May received the IOC Trophy for "sport and the fight against doping".

Pat Hickey, President of the Olympic Council of Ireland today presented Dr Una May with the IOC Trophy Award for her work in overseeing the development of the anti doping programme at the Irish Sports Council over the past ten years.

Managing the programme she is responsible for ensuring Ireland's leading sportsmen and women achieve world class performance by fair and ethical means.

In 2004 Dr May was invited to join a select group as an independent advisor for WADA, World Anti Doping Agency, at the Olympic Games.

In 2005 she was asked to chair an independent observer group at the IAAF Athletics World Championships.

Dr May said " i want to thank the IOC for this honour which i believe is for everyone who has contributed to the anti doping programme over the past ten years.Combating doping is a collaborative effort. We have relied on the active support of athletes, coaches, and sports to ensure we have an effective and respected programme in place that protects the integrity of Irish sport"

Pat Hickey said that "the award is appropriate recognition of Dr May's involvement over the past ten years in establishing the anti doping programme in this country"