National Testing Programme

23 Jul 2014

Sport Ireland manages the National Testing Programme for National Governing Bodies of Sport in accordance with the WADA International Standard of Testing. Under the National Testing Programme both urine and blood testing are completed. Testing can be completed either in-competition or out-of-competition.

In-Competition Testing is "the period commencing twelve (12) hours before a competition in which the athlete is scheduled to participate through the end of such competition and the sample collection process related to such competition." In-competition takes place after the athlete has finished competing for the day.

For in-competition testing the Anti-Doping Officer (or other nominated person) acts as an Event Contact Person to liaise with testers. Full details of the role of the Event Contact Person are outlined in the Event Contact Person Handbook.

Out-of-Competition Testing is "any period which is not in-competition." Out-of-competition testing usually takes place at the residence or training grounds of athletes on the Registered Testing Pool or the training grounds of teams.

For statistics relating to the number of tests completed in each sport each year, please refer to the Annual Reports in the Resources section.

User-Pays Testing

User-Pays testing is testing conducted in addition to the National Testing Programme on a contract basis for either National Governing Bodies or other Anti-Doping Organisations or for any major International Events taking place in Ireland. Organisations who require user-pays testing should contact Siobhan Leonard,, 01-8608828 in the Anti-Doping Unit to discuss requirements.