Minister Ring Launches Anti–Doping Annual Review

07 Apr 2016

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring TD in conjunction with Sport Ireland today published the Anti-Doping figures for 2015. Last year, Sport Ireland conducted 1028 tests including 295 blood tests.  Sport Ireland will continue to apply innovative approaches to the testing programme and in 2016 will further involve the use of information gathered through intelligence. The focus will again be on more strategic testing, with a ratio of more than 25% of samples collected being blood specimens.

Minister Ring commented: “Sport Ireland has been entrusted by my Department to combat doping in Ireland and we are resolute that our fight against doping is constant, determined and ultimately successful. We in Ireland are committed to inspiring fair play in sport and protecting the rights of clean athletes and I want to send a clear message out today that doping should not be tolerated at any level”.

The Irish Anti-Doping Programme continues to make substantial progress in the areas of testing, education and research.  The World Anti-Doping Code continues to be the cornerstone of the world-wide fight against doping in sport. In Ireland this Code is reflected in and consequently implemented through the Irish Anti-Doping Rules.

Kieran Mulvey, Chair of Sport Ireland commented: “Sport Ireland recognises that the success of the Anti- Doping Programme in Ireland is due to the continued co-operation and commitment we receive from National Governing Bodies and athletes. It is through their good will and promotion of anti-doping that the Irish sporting community can be reassured that Irish athletes compete fairly”.

The Intelligence programme is a vital part of the Anti-Doping programme and seeks to collect any information that will assist in the detection, deterrence, enforcement or prevention of an Anti Doping Rule Violation. A Report Doping online submission form is available through Sport Ireland website which will help to provide a safe and secure way for members of the public to report matters relating to drugs in sport.

John Treacy CEO, Sport Ireland commented “Our aim is to drive and support stakeholders to create

a safe environment that will nurture young people and allow them to excel in their chosen sport. This can only be achieved through promoting the spirit of sport and collaboration with stakeholders in the areas of education, testing, intelligence and investigations”.

The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) is currently developing a quality recognition system for National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) for the sample collection process. Sport Ireland assisted iNADO on the development of this quality system which included a pilot audit on Sport Ireland’s Anti-Doping Unit. The audit covered a number of areas of the sample collection process including training of sample collection personnel and Sport Ireland’s sample collection manual.

Caroline Murphy, Chairperson Sport Ireland Anti Doping Committee commented “Sport Ireland will continue to contribute to the field of Anti -Doping at an international level. This will include providing feedback on relevant WADA International Standards and Guidelines during 2016.  We will also actively contribute to the global anti-doping fight through membership of iNADO. Sport Ireland was granted its quality recognition for sample collection and is the first National Anti-Doping Organisation to receive this recognition”.

Download Anti-Doping Review 2015


Notes to the Editor: 

About Sport Ireland Anti -Doping Programme

Sport Ireland’s Anti-Doping Programme is a fundamental part of the high performance programme to ensure that Irish athletes can compete clean on the world stage. Sport Ireland is dedicated to ensuring that future generations value the life lessons learned through the participation in sport in Ireland.


Testing Highlights for 2015

• Blood Testing Figures increased by 5%

• User Pays programme tests increased by 21%

• In competition tests accounted for 25% of national testing programme, out of competition test for 75% national testing programme

• Whereabouts Failures decreased by 80% (18 whereabouts failures in 2013 and 4 in 2014)

• Unsuccessful attempts on team sports decreased by 20%

• Unsuccessful attempts on the Registered Testing Pool decreased by 25%

• Sport Ireland signed agreement with USADA to conduct drug testing on UFC on behalf of USADA