Minister Ring Announces €5,162,431m Investment For Irish Sport

06 Mar 2015

Minister of State for Sport, Michael Ring T.D., today announced an investment package of over €5.1m from the Irish Sports Council to support the National Network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs).

€5,047,431 million will be allocated to thirty LSPs for core, general programme and disability funding. This investment also includes HSE funding of €60,240 for the Get Ireland Active programme and €14,080 for the continued roll out of the Be Active After Schools Activity Programme. The Council will also allocate €115,000 to support the Women in Sport programme.

The key aims of the LSPs are to increase levels of local participation in sport especially amongst specific target groups such as older people, girls & women, people with disabilities, unemployed people, and those who live in identified disadvantaged communities. To ensure that people with disabilities are provided with the opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity, 19 LSPs will be supported with Sports Inclusion Disability Officers.

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD commented "I believe it is extremely important that people are encouraged and given opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity. Participation will lead to a healthier society and an overall improved quality of life. The Government funding announced today will allow the LSP network to continue to provide sporting opportunities for people in local communities throughout Ireland."

The LSPs are involved in delivering mass participation programmes such as the An Post Cycle Series. Since 2009 over 73,300 people have taken part and last year 16,870 people participated in the series which caters for all ages and abilities.


For the fifth year running in 2015, The Irish Sports Council, LSPs teamed up once again with RTة's Operation Transformation. This year over 12,000 people participated in the nationwide walks, which took place in 48 locations all around Ireland, the highest number to date. Over 8,000 participants took part in the Operation Transformation 5k Fun Runs which took place in Blarney Castle, Cork and the Phoenix Park, Dublin in conjunction with the Irish Sports Council, Cork Local Sports Partnership, Dublin City Sports Network, and the Athletics Association of Ireland.

Kieran Mulvey, Chairperson of the Irish Sports Council commented: "As part of the Fitzpatrick Associates Review, the Local Sports Partnerships were set a target of generating at least 50% of their income from other sources. Each year that target has been met and surpassed. The Council warmly welcomes the support and contributions given to the Local Sports Partnership network by statutory, community and voluntary groups across the country".

2015 is the 10th Anniversary of the Irish Sports Council's Women in Sport programme. The programme, which aims to raise the overall physical activity levels among women, has been a key driver in closing the gender gap as women's participation has grown from 39% (ISM,2011) to 42.7% (ISM,2013). Today's investment will continue to support Women in Sport programmes including 'The Tipperary Women's Mini Marathon' from North Tipperary Sports Partnership and South Tipperary Sports Partnership. The programme is designed to tap into the increasing popularity of running and walking for women in Ireland today. Last year over 1,200 women participated in the event.

Speaking at the announcement John Treacy, Chief Executive of the Irish Sports Council commented; "The Council has always placed a particular emphasis on ensuring sport is progressive and attracts participants from every corner of Ireland, from every age group and from all social backgrounds. This is a fundamental principle of the Local Sports Partnerships which aim to remove any barrier that prevents participation in sport".

Breakdown of Investment Irish Sports Council LSP 2015