Minister O’Donovan Publishes Review of Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games - 2017 Investment Announced

04 Apr 2017
  • Sport Ireland announce funding of over €20m for National Governing Bodies & athletes; in line with 2016 figures
  • €1.8m in direct athlete investment; €7.2m in high performance programme funding; €10.8m in National Governing Bodies core funding; €600,000 in National Governing Bodies Women in Sport Programme
  • 16 international athletes awarded ‘Podium’ funding for 2017
  • ‘Rio Review’ provides blueprint for Tokyo campaign
  • Rio Review highlights the overall high standard of performance at Rio Olympic & Paralympic Games; acknowledges Olympic medal target not reached

Speaking in Dublin today at the publication by Sport Ireland of the “Rio Review”, a comprehensive debrief of the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan TD, welcomed the Review: “The ‘Rio Review’ gives us an invaluable insight into Ireland’s preparations and performances at the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This document captures the experiences of all those involved in Ireland’s high performance system and will be a valuable tool for our National Governing Bodies as we look towards the Tokyo Games. I was fortunate enough to attend the Paralympic Games last year and got to see at close hand the hard work that is put in by the athletes and their support teams and their rewards for all that work when our medal winners took their place on the podium. The recommendations of the ‘Rio Review’ provide important insights on possible changes to our high performance system if we are to experience such successes, and many more, in the future.”

The ‘Rio Review’ was designed with the purpose of providing a fair assessment of Ireland’s Olympic and Paralympic campaign; and beyond this, producing independent evidence-based recommendations which will be essential in improving the Irish high performance system.

Sport Ireland began the process of reviewing the overall Rio Cycle (2013-2016) in advance of the commencement of the Olympic Games in August and the Paralympic Games in September, with the review concluding in December 2016.

Speaking at the announcement today, Chairman of Sport Ireland, Kieran Mulvey, said: “The ‘Rio Review’ reflects the views of all the key players within Ireland’s high performance system. The findings and recommendations of the review are fully endorsed by Sport Ireland .The document serves as a mandate for the National Governing Bodies (NGB) to fully implement these recommendations which will improve the high performance system in Ireland. Sport Ireland will continue to support the NGBs through strategic investment, the ongoing development on the Sport Ireland Institute facilities and services, and adding to the already extensive facilities on the Sport Ireland National Sports Campus.”

Sport Ireland will also invest €7.2m into High Performance Programmes in 2017, along with €1.8m in direct athlete investment through the International Carding Scheme.

Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, added: “This review is comprehensive and robust and is an essential component of Ireland’s high performance system. Previous experience has showed that the implementation of the recommendations of quadrennial reviews has been a driver for individual high performance and the system as a whole. Sport Ireland is pleased that NGBs have been acting on the recommendations in the review since late 2016, and based on insights gathered throughout the Rio cycle, a high performance investment framework has been developed and we are starting the implementation of this through our High Performance and International Athlete Carding allocations which are also being announced today.”

Chairman of Sport Ireland’s High Performance Committee, Liam Sheedy, said: “Sport Ireland’s High Performance Committee was happy to sign off the Rio Review, which is a strategic reflection on Ireland’s participation on the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The key aspect of this review is that the individual sports took a greater level of control over the debrief process, which is a welcome and positive development. Ireland is a proud sporting nation which has shown it can succeed at the highest level, and it is our belief that Ireland has the potential to be even better. It is imperative that the recommendations in the ‘Rio Review’ be implemented if we are to realise this potential.”

Sport Ireland today also announced the investment plans for National Governing Bodies for Sport through Core and Women in Sport Allocations.

In total, Sport Ireland will invest €10.8m in 58 National Governing Bodies through the Core Grant Allocations which covers administration, participation programmes, coach development, hosting events, implementing strategic plans and the employment of professional staff.

€600,000 will be invested in 26 NGBs through Women in Sport programme, which aims to raise the overall physical activity levels among women and to support women’s roles within sports organisations.

Speaking about the investment in the National Governing Bodies, Minister O’Donovan commented: “I am pleased to announce this significant investment in the National Governing Bodies. The work of our governing bodies is invaluable in providing sporting and volunteer opportunities to people of all ages and backgrounds.  It is vital that the programmes, events and initiatives run by the National Governing Bodies are well supported as we look forward to another exciting year of sport in Ireland.”

On the importance of the work of the National Governing Bodies, John Treacy added: “Sport Ireland places National Governing Bodies at the very centre of our work. This investment through the Core Allocations increase the input of resources into National Governing Bodies’ operations and ongoing development and we have confidence that there will be a significant return on that investment. The investment through the Women in Sport Programme will continue to assist National Governing Bodies in providing opportunities for women to get involved in physical activity and support women’s roles within sports organisations.”

View the full 2016 Rio Review here: Rio Review

View the 2016 Rio Review by section here: Rio Review (by section)

The 2017 Sport Ireland NGB Investment Allocations brochure can be viewed here: 2017 Allocations

The 2017 International Carding Scheme Allocations can be viewed here: 2017 Allocations