Minister Griffin Announces Boost for Sport and Physical Activity Initiatives

13 Nov 2017

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Brendan Griffin TD today announced €2.9m worth of funding for sport and physical activity projects through the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The investment of €2.9 million is being allocated to National Physical Activity Plan measures for disadvantaged communities and will be administered by Sport Ireland.

Speaking at the announcement in Killarney today, Minister Griffin said: “The funding of €2.9m being announced today will support the delivery of sport and physical activity initiatives across the country under the National Physical Activity Plan. The comprehensive programme of initiative support through this funding allocation will give people with disabilities and those from socially, economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to take part in sport and physical activity.  This range of initiatives is as a result of close cooperation between my department, Sport Ireland, the Local Sports Partnership Network and the National Governing Bodies for Sport.”

Among the initiatives being announced today are nine new Community Sport and Physical Activity Hubs (CSPAH), along with support for thirteen existing CSPAHs.

Kieran Mulvey, Chairman of Sport Ireland, said: “Previous rounds of investment through the Dormant Accounts Fund have had a real impact on local communities and sports organisations across Ireland. In particular, the Community Sport and Physical Activity Hubs have delivered programmes and opportunities which make it easier for people to get involved in and engage in a more active and healthier lifestyle.”

The investment is aligned with the National Physical Activity Plan, with a particular emphasis on implementing programmes to promote physical activity and develop programmes to address transitions and drop out from physical activity.

Highlighting the initiatives’ contribution to the National Physical Activity Plan John Treacy, Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, added: “In line with the objectives of the National Physical Activity Plan, this investment allows Sport Ireland, in conjunction with the National Governing Bodies for Sport and the Local Sports Partnership, play a lead role in making sure that more people are more active on a regular basis.”

The findings of the tenth annual Sport Ireland Strategic, Planning, Evaluation and Knowledge (SPEAK) Report on the national network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) were also published today.

The SPEAK report provides an overview of the work of the 29 LSPs across the country, and highlights the innovative good practice projects and programmes that are being operated locally.

Almost €17.2 million was invested in the LSP network, including benefit in kind funding.

Commenting on Report, Minister Griffin continued: “The Local Sports Partnership Network carries out vital work in increasing participation, particularly among those sectors of society which are underrepresented in sport. This work is making a substantial contribution to the health and welfare of individuals, communities and the nation. Today’s report puts a spotlight on the many innovative local projects which are being undertaken by the Local Sports Partnerships across the country which enable all citizens the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sport and physical activities.”

Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, said: “One of Sport Ireland’s key priorities for the LSP network is the sustainable development within the local sports infrastructure; this report shows that LSPs are doing vital work with clubs and groups ensuring that structures are in place to allow people across the LSP target groups to participate in sport. I would like to thank all of the agencies, groups and individuals who have contributed to this report, and to those who were involved in the delivery of the programmes and projects at local level.”

Sport Ireland Director of Participation and Ethics, Dr. Una May, added: “One of the key aims of Sport Ireland is increasing participation across every age group and from all social backgrounds throughout Ireland. The report highlights the great work by the LSPs in removing barriers that hinder participation in sport and physical activity. Sport Ireland, through the Local Sports Partnership network, will continue to take a strategic approach with regard to programme delivery, continuing to place a strong emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of the programmes delivered.”

Click here to view 2016 SPEAK Report

Community Sport and Physical Activity Hubs (CSPAH):

Dormant Accounts Funding will be allocated to establish and develop nine new CSPAHs in 2017. Funding will also be allocated to help further develop thirteen existing CSPAHs which were developed through Dormant Accounts Funding in 2015 and 2016.

The objective of the CSPAHs is to bring local people together and provide a home for local clubs and sports organisations.

The Hubs provide information, support and advice on a wide range of sports and physical activities to make it easier for people in disadvantaged areas to get involved in and engage in a more active and healthier lifestyle.

Applications to establish and develop CSPAHs were sought from Local Sports Partnerships in a competitive bid process under three theme areas: Community Setting, Schools Based Setting and an Outdoor Setting.


Local Sports Partnership

CSPAH Location





Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown























Total €632,367


Existing CSPAHs:


Local Sports Partnership

CSPAH Location



Kilkenny City & Ferrybank



Stradbally, Vickerstown & Timahoe



Muirhevnamor, Dundalk





South Dublin




Clarisgord Park



West Cork Islands



















Total €459,000


Community Coaching

The objective of Community Coaching is to develop coaching skills that provide jobseekers with improved opportunities to avail of job and volunteer opportunities in the sport sector. 

This programme is focused on successfully assisting unemployed people to gain employment, coaching, volunteering and further education opportunities in the sports sector as coaches, referees, physical activity leaders etc. It provides the participants with practical and theoretical sport-related skills and helps them find relevant work experience in their local community. It also contributes to the promotion of both physical and mental health amongst participants and in the community through the subsequent employment and/or volunteering work carried out by participants.

Local Sports Partnership Funding
Cavan Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Cork Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Donegal Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Kerry Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Kildare Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Laois Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Limerick Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Longford Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Mayo Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Meath Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Offaly Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Roscommon Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
South Dublin Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Wexford Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Wicklow Local Sports Partnership  €13,333
Total €199,995

Youth Leadership

This programme is designed to develop generic leadership skills that can be applied to a variety of sports and/or recreational situations as well as contributing to the personal development of the learner. It is rolled out by Local Sports Partnerships to teenagers in Transition Year of secondary school or in a community setting

Local Sports Partnership Funding
Carlow Local Sports Partnership  €5,000
Cavan Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Cork Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Donegal Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
DLR Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Dublin City Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Fingal Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Galway Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Kildare Local Sports Partnership  €5,000
Laois Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Leitrim Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Limerick Local Sports Partnership  €5,000
Longford Local Sports Partnership  €2,500
Louth Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Mayo Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Meath Local Sports Partnership  €12,500
Monaghan Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Offaly Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Roscommon Local Sports Partnership  €5,000
South Dublin Local Sports Partnership  €12,500
Tipperary Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Waterford Local Sports Partnership  €5,000
Wexford Local Sports Partnership  €10,000
Total €202,500

Sport Ireland & Cara Centre Initiatives

Funding will also go towards programmes delivered by Sport Ireland and the Cara Centre, including: 

Train the Trainers - Consulting with Young People €80,000
Coaching Children - Adolescents €25,000
Coaching Children - Physical Literacy Module €29,000
Aspire Programme €200,000
CARA Centre €180,000
Total €514,000


Get Ireland Running, Cycling and Swimming

Dormant Accounts Funding will be allocated to support the National Physical Activity Plan for disadvantaged communities through the development of new Get Ireland Running, Get Ireland Cycling and Get Ireland Swimming initiatives. Applications were invited from Athletics Ireland, Cycling Ireland and Swim Ireland for funding under these initiatives.

Get Ireland Running:

Athletics Ireland will expand a number of the Get Ireland Running Programmes which were previously funded under Dormant Accounts in 2016. The programmes propose to target approximately 50,000 participants in hard to reach communities.

These initiative include:

·       Fit4Class National Schools Programme

·       IRunForFun Secondary Schools Programme

·       RAPID Community Based Initiatives

Get Ireland Cycling:

Cycling Ireland, working in collaboration with their clubs, partners and communities will co-ordinate and deliver opportunities, across a suite of programme offerings, to people in socially, economically and educationally disadvantaged areas. The Get Ireland Cycling Programme will focus primarily on delivering both the Balance Bike and Sprocket Rocket Programmes.

Get Ireland Swimming:

Swim Ireland will roll out projects under the overall ‘Get Ireland Swimming’ banner in support of the National Physical Activity Plan and the Swim Ireland mission which is ‘to encourage participation, develop excellence and regulate the sport’.

Expansion of the Get Ireland Swimming programme 2017/2018 will see the continued delivery of community based aquatics programmes in conjunction with Dublin City Council (DCC) while also launching the programme in a number of other counties. Swim Ireland will also provide support in the development an aquatic element to the GAISCE Awards in identified deprived areas.

Initiative Funding
Get Ireland Cycling €100,000
Get Ireland Running €107,500
Get Ireland Swimming €107,500
Total €315,000

Get Ireland Walking

Sport Ireland developed the Get Ireland Walking initiative, in collaboration with a number of national partner organisations in 2013 and coordinates the program with Mountaineering Ireland with financial support from the Department of Health. The programme seeks to grow the culture of walking in Ireland and support the establishment of community walling groups throughout the country. A number of new walking initiatives will be developed with a particular focus on the personal and social development of persons who or economically and socially disadvantaged; these include Men’s Shed Walking Initiative, School Walking Initiative and Woodlands for Health initiative.

Initiative Funding
Get Ireland Walking €125,000

National Physical Activity Plan Initiatives supported through National Governing Bodies for Sport

Sport Ireland invited applications from NGBs for funding under the Dormant Account Fund to support actions in the National Physical Activity Plan for implementing programmes to promote physical activity & Develop Programmes to address transitions and drop out from physical activity.

National Governing Body Funding

Irish Rugby Football Union

Spirit of Rugby Disability Programme


Rowing Ireland

Get Going, Get Rowing


Special Olympics

Programme of play and sport activity for children with intellectual disabilities from 4 - 7 years


Orienteering Ireland

Ready to Go Orienteering


Tennis Ireland

Enjoy Tennis Phase 2


Triathlon Ireland

Get Men Moving


Vision Sports Ireland

Coach Education Development Plan


Gymnastics Ireland

GymABLE - Disability Gymnastics Club inclusion phase 2


Hockey Ireland

Tricks4Sticks and Young Leader Programme


Horse Sport Ireland

Riding for the Disabled Ireland (RDAI)


Badminton Ireland

Shuttle Time programme


Basketball Ireland

Urban Hoops


Football Association of Ireland

Kick Start 2 Recovery Programme


Gaelic Athletic Association

Nationwide GAA Fun & Run Programme


Irish Martial Arts Commission



Mountaineering Ireland

Indoor Climbing Programme


Bَl Chumann na hEireann

Road Bowling ScoreBowls Skittles


Irish Athletic Boxing Association

Boxing Bodies - Healthy Lifestyle Programme


Ladies Gaelic Football Association



Table Tennis Ireland

Club Development Programme

Total €484,000

Dormant Accounts Funding

The Dormant Accounts Act 2001 together with the Unclaimed Life Assurance Policies Act 2003 and the Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Acts 2005-2012 provide a framework for the administration of unclaimed accounts in credit institutions (i.e. banks, building societies and An Post) and unclaimed life assurance policies in insurance undertakings.

Dormant funds/unclaimed life assurance policies, which have not been reclaimed by the original account/policy holder or their beneficiaries, are transferred each year by the financial institution/insurance undertaking to the Dormant Accounts Fund which is managed by the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA). 

The legislation provides for a scheme for the disbursement of funds that are unlikely to be reclaimed. In each year monies may be disbursed in accordance with Part 6 of the 2012 Act, from the Account, but only for the purposes of programmes or projects to assist:

1.       the personal and social development of persons who are economically or socially disadvantaged;

2.       the educational development of persons who are educationally disadvantaged or

3.       persons with a disability (within the meaning of the Equal Status Act 2000)

The Dormant Accounts Fund is the responsibility of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Key Achievements by the LSP network in 2016:

Programme Delivery

·       291,947 people participated in 860 locally delivered participation programmes

·       10,404 female participants took part in 70 local Women in Sport programmes

Development of Local Sports Infrastructure

·       1,251 clubs/groups supported in the delivery of activities

·       211 clubs/groups helped in developing their organisational or management structures

·       289 clubs attended Club Development Workshops

Delivery of Training and Education Programmes & Sport Ireland Programmes

·       LSPs planned and delivered 292 training and education courses, workshops and seminars with their partner agencies

·       15,470 people participated in these training courses

·       570 volunteers supported the roll out of these courses

·       8,321 participants completed 581 Safeguarding training courses