Minister Appoints Kieran Mulvey as Chair of Irish Sports Council

16 Sep 2010

Mary Hanafin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture & Sport today (16th September 2010) announced the appointment of Mr Kieran Mulvey as the new Chairman of the Irish Sports Council (ISC) for a 5 year term.

The ISC, which is funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture & Sport, is responsible for planning, leading and co-ordinating the sustainable
development of sport in Ireland. Since its foundation in 1999, the Council has been allocated funding of €415.6m, including €49.6m for 2010.

Kieran Mulvey has been Chief Executive of the Labour Relations Commission since 1991. He has served on a number of public bodies including the
Independent Radio and Television Commission, the National Economic and Social Council and the Governing Bodies of UCD and DCU. He is a former
General Secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland (ASTI) and Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT). Mr Mulvey has also
acted as a Consultant with the EU and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on matters relating to public management, human resources and
industrial relations. He recently chaired the negotiations which led to the Public Service "Croke Park Agreement". He has had a lifelong interest
in Irish Sport and he has on occasion made himself available to assist various sporting bodies resolve issues of contention.

Minister Hanafin said "I am delighted that Kieran Mulvey has agreed to become Chair of the Irish Sports Council. I am sure that his wide range of
skills and experience will be of tremendous value to the Irish Sports Council as it works with the National Governing Bodies of Sport to increase
participation in sport, improve standards of performance and ensure that best practice is followed in management, governance and operating
procedures at all levels of Irish sport.

Minister Hanafin thanked the outgoing chairman Mr Ossie Kilkenny. "I want to express my appreciation to Ossie Kilkenny for his contribution to Irish
sport during his time as Chair of the Council, a period in which improvements have been made in many key areas, including the roll out of garda vetting, improved strategic planning throughout the sports sector and the completion of the roll out of Local Sports Partnerships", she said.