Member Releationships
Principle 5: Member relationship and reportingThe board should ensure it exercises leadership, integrity and good judgment, always acting in An effective organisation should ensure its members are:
Principle 5.1:That the board should strive to ascertain the interests, aspirations and requirements of members and create responses to these in the form of a national strategic plan with alignment between this and member plans.
Commentary and guidance Existing boards should canvass the interests, aspirations and requirements of key members. The board should have in place a process that reports and receives feedback from members. All members should embrace the strategic plan of the sport and should work towards the achievement of its outcomes. In federated organisational structures it is essential that member bodies are working towards a unified strategic document and are held accountable for their outcomes.
Principle 5.2:That members of an organisation should have the ability to remove board members (or a board as a whole) and change the constitution, should they see fit, in accordance with applicable legislation.
Commentary and guidance It is a guiding principle of law that members must have the right to remove the board and change the constitution as they see fit, as they are ultimately the owners of the organisation. There may be circumstances where certain arrangements are in place that restrict the members' capacity to make change, however these should only be temporary measures in periods of instability and ultimate power should always return to the members.
Principle 5.3:That board directors should have no voting rights at general meetings.
Commentary and guidance Where the membership of an organisation comprises other organisations, clubs or groups of individuals, board directors should not be eligible to vote at general meetings or annual general meetings. This ensures a clear separation between the 'owners' and the 'governors' of the organisation.
Principle 5.4:That the board should provide members with a comprehensive annual report outlining how they fulfilled the governance roles, achievements and aspirations of the organisation, and sufficient financial information so that members can make a judgment as to how effectively the board is fulfilling its role.
Commentary and guidance The system of governance should ensure that timely and accurate disclosures are made on all material matters regarding the organisation, including governance, financial situation and performance. It is not appropriate that these reporting documents are delayed. It is the board's responsibility to ensure the appropriate legal time frames are met. Disclosure should include, but not be limited to, material information on: