Irish Team Takes Nations Cup Victory For Second Successive Year At Spruce Meadows

16 Jun 2014

An Irish team claimed victory in the famous five-star Spruce Meadows Nations' Cup in the early hours of this morning - the second year in a row that Ireland has taken the Canadian trophy.

Though not a point-scoring venue for Ireland in the Furusiyya series, the Irish quartet nevertheless trounced six other competing teams from the US, Canada and Mexico by coming home at the end of two rounds with just three faults on the board.

Ireland's penalties were made up entirely of time faults, with Conor Swail and Lansdowne incurring an uncharacteristic eight faults in the first round as the discard score.

Clear rounds came from Shane Sweetnam, Richie Moloney and Darragh Kenny.

"This is very special for us," said Irish show jumping manager Robert Splaine. "This is a great team of riders.

"I think it was tougher than last year. I think if you jump good here, you can jump wherever you want."