IRISH SPORTS COUNCIL Irish Sports Council Response to Budget 2010
The 2010 Estimates for Public Services, published on December 9, provides for a budget of €49.789 million for the Irish Sports Council in 2010. This represents a reduction of 4% on the 2009 budget of €51.689 million.
John Treacy, Chief Executive of the Irish Sports, responded to the 2010 allocation: “The Irish Sports Council welcomes the allocation of €49.8 million for 2010. This is a substantial budget that allows the Council and its partner agencies continue to address its strategic priorities of increasing participation in sport and improving the standards of high performance sport. While it is a cut on 2009 it will enable the Council and the sports bodies to protect essential programmes and jobs in Irish sport.
The Minister for Sport, Martin Cullen T.D, and his officials, worked very hard on behalf of the Council and the wider sports community. The value of a Minster at the Cabinet table has been demonstrated as sport retains a signieficant budget into 2010. Sport makes a major contribution to the health, economy and wellbeing of our community and has great potential to make an even greater impact over time. This requires sustained State investment and sport needs a voice at the highest levels making this case.
The applications for funding for National Governing Bodies, Local Sports Partnerships, High Performance and Women in Sport programmes will be processed and decided over the coming weeks. The Council will work to ensure that the budget for 2010 is invested fairly to meet its strategic priorities of participation, particularly in target communities, and in high performance sport.”