Irish Institute of Sport awards first research contract

07 Sep 2007

Irish Institute of Sport Awards First Research Contract

Following an open and highly competitive tendering process that attracted bids from international research teams, the Irish Institute of Sport (IIS) is delighted to announce that a team led by Prof Aidan Moran and Dr Suzanne Guerin (both based in the School of Psychology, UCD) has been commissioned to investigate the experiences of elite Irish athletes.

Six bids were received for this project and four were short-listed. The quality of the bids received was very high and each offered unique strengths. Ultimately the review panel selected a proposal that offered an excellent combination of a well structured research design, an experienced team and outcomes that will be deliverable with the short timescale available for the project.

This research will uncover the barriers that athletes have had to overcome during their sport careers and will be used to underpin the development of services at the IIS to ensure that potential medal winners have the best possible opportunities of achieving success on the international stage. The outcomes from the research will be presented at the Institute’s inaugural high performance conference in January 2008.

The full research team is Prof Aidan Moran, Dr Suzanne Guerin (both University College, Dublin), Dr Alan Ringland (Institute of Technology, Tralee), Dr Tadhg MacIntyre (University of Ulster), Deidre Lyons (National Coaching and Training Centre)

Phil Moore

Director of Athlete Services

Irish Institute of Sport

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