High Performance Physiology Trainee Opportunity

05 Jan 2015


High Performance Trainee Programme
Performance Physiology



The Irish Institute of Sport is providing a training opportunity for service providers who, at present, do not meet all the criteria to apply for membership of the Institute of Sport's Professional Membership Accreditation Programme (PQAP). This High Performance Trainee Programme is in the area of Performance Physiology and offers successful candidates the opportunity to be upskilled under the guidance of a suitably qualified mentor. Trainees will have the necessary academic qualifications for membership but may not yet have sufficient practical experience to apply for Professional Membership of the Institute.


Mentor Responsibilities

Trainee positions will be established in partnership with a suitably qualified and experienced mentor. Criteria for suitable mentors include:

- Professional Membership of the Institute, professional body or international equivalent
- At least five years' experience as a service provider working with elite performance sport


The Mentor agrees:

- To register the trainee with the Institute
- To provide an athlete population for the trainee to work with.
- To provide opportunities of work for the trainee (e.g., camps, clinical opportunities, at competitions etc.)
- Provide guidance on suitable development experience for trainees.
- To provide quarterly written feedback on the trainee's progress and the proposed plan of work for the next quarter.
- To abide by the Code of Conduct of the mentor's and trainee's professional body.
- Not to engage the trainee in an unsupervised service provision role.

Mentors will not receive any payment for the training and mentorship of the trainee.



Trainee service providers will be those who meet the minimum standard of academic qualification to be a IIS Professional Membership Accreditation Programme but have not yet acquired sufficient practical experience.
Trainees will, in collaboration with their mentor:

- Identify their current strengths and weaknesses.
- Identify a suitable development programme.
- On a quarterly basis, report progress to their mentor and plan the next period of work.
- Identify suitable observation / shadowing opportunities with their mentor.
- Report to the Institute quarterly and when requested.
- Be expected to make an application for Professional Membership within three years of commencing their traineeship.
- Engage in 20 days of mandatory training over a 12 month period.


The trainees will not receive any payment; any costs incurred during the training process must be covered by the trainee. Trainees will have the opportunity to attend Institute accredited workshops free of charge.


All applicants to the Trainee Scheme should return the completed application form (below) along with supporting documents to Toni Rossiter (arossiter@instituteofsport.ie) at Irish Institute of Sport by January 16th 2015 at 5pm.


Application Form