Guidelines and Standards

23 Jul 2008

This Site

All pages on this site were WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) approved, and complied with all priority 1, 2, 3 guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This site contains many features to help users with disabilities navigate easily. These include keyboard shortcuts for all major links and special links to enable users to jump over navigation bars to the next item. These features are described below. This website is designed for maximum accessibility. Frames are not used, tables are only used for tabulating data and images are kept to a minimum and always described in alt text.



Standards Compliance

  • This site is Bobby AAA approved, complying with all priority 1, 2 and 3 guidelines of the W3 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
  • The entire site validates as HTML 4.01 Transitional.
  • The site uses structured semantic mark-up where possible. For example, internal content pages use H1 for all top level headings and list mark-up for internal navigation where possible. Using real list mark-up is best. Since visual presentation is in the CSS declarations, it does not clutter up the page, so both JAWS and Home Page Reader simply read your list for what it is: a list.
  • NB: The XHTML, CSS and AAA compliance validations on this site were time-stamped as valid on the 12/04/05. However, with a dynamic site like this validations are fragile and can destablise. If you noticed any aspect of the site that may have deteriorated it's validations from beyond this date, please take time report to the Irish Sports Council. Thank you.



Access Officer

In accordance with Section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005, the ISC has appointed Ms Gillian O'Keeffe as Access Officer. The contact details are as follows:

  • Access Officer
    Sport Ireland
    Top Floor, Block A
    West End Office Park
    Dublin 15
    Telephone - 01 8608800
    Email -



Requests for Information in alternative formats:

In accordance with section 28(1) of the Disability Act 2005, the ISC will facilitate the provision of information in a number of accessible formats. The formats we can arrange for include Braille transcription, audio tapes, and a sign language service for events.
Usually 5 days turnaround time is required; however audit productions can be facilitated more urgently on request.



Complaints Procedure

Section 38 of the Disability Act 2005 allows any person to make a complaint in writing to a public body, in relation to the failure of the body to comply with section 3 of the Act. Complaints made under the Disability Act 2005 can be submitted directly to:

  • Ms Gillian O'Keeffe,
    Access Officer
    The Irish Sports Council
    Top Floor, Block A
    West End Office Park
    Dublin 15

The Irish Sports Council will aim to respond to any queries/complaints within 10 working days.