GOVERNING BODIES Irish Sports Council Announces 2009 NGB Grants

12 Feb 2009

€11.47 million in core grants to 57 sports
€1.53 million in Women in Sport grants to 25 sports

Details of €13 million in funding to National Governing Bodies of sport (NGBs) were released today (February 12, 2009). 57 sports received confirmation of their allocations for their core activities. Additional support for 25 sports was announced under the Women in Sport Programme.

€11.47 million supports the core activities of governing bodies covered including administration of the sports, the employment of professional staff, coach development, hosting events and programmes aimed at increasing participation.

In addition, twenty five (25) sports were allocated grants totalling €1.53 million under the 2009 Women in Sport Programme, a specific initiative aimed at increasing sports participation by women. The programme commenced in 2005 and has proved extremely successful with the sports bodies that have rolled out a number of innovative programmes to attract women of all ages into sport.

Ossie Kilkenny, Chairman of the Irish Sports Council commented; "The work of the Governing Bodies is essential to the sports sector. There is outstanding work being carried out by them all and we have sought to protect those sports that are most reliant on our funding. We want to pay tribute to Minister Martin Cullen who has been strongly supportive of our work and he has ensured that we can continue investing in the sports of Ireland".

The core grant for Special Olympics Ireland has been reduced following negotiation and agreement. At €2.5 million it remains the single biggest core grant of any sports organization in Ireland. The IABA (boxing) also saw a reduction as it was funded in 2008 for the recruitment of a CEO. That appointment has not yet been made. Funding will be made available to the IABA when the position is filled.

John Treacy, Chief Executive of the Irish Sports Council, commented: "€13 million is a significant investment is these sports. The sports organizations understand the financial situation and are committed to the continuing provision of excellent services to the sports community in 2009".

The Irish Sports Council has made no decision on the 2009 allocation for the Athletics Association of Ireland at this time. The Council will have further discussions with AAI in the coming weeks.


Some highlights for 2009

  • €30,000 awarded to Triathlon Ireland to part fund a new CEO position on an all Island basis with investment also coming from Sport Northern Ireland.
  • €23,000 to support Mountaineering Council of Ireland's "Girls Outside" programme aimed at teenage girls.
  • A 20% growth in membership of the Irish Table Tennis Association is primarily due to the success of its Women in Sport schools programme. A further investment of €43,800 will continue the roll out of this schools programme and support the recruitment of a national Women in Sport Co-ordinator.
  • €35,000 was awarded to the Irish Sailing Association to roll out its Match Racing Programme which will be targeting over 500 young women to participate in the first year alone.
  • The Irish Judo Association has received assistance to move towards employment of a full time business manager in its allocation of €82,000.
  • Cycling Ireland has received €31,315 to roll out its Mountain Biking Coaching Framework in conjunction with Coaching Ireland.
  • €52,450 was awarded to Cumann Peil Gael na mBan to roll out its coaching programme for Ladies Gaelic. It has also been allocated €250,000 through the Women in Sport programme as continued support for its Regional Development Officer network.
  • Comhairle Liathroid Laimhe (handball) has received €15,900 for phase 2 of its Ball girls programme and to support its Wall Ball programme.
  • Badminton Ireland received €25,000 to implement its Buntْs Badminton, Junior Badminton and Club Development programme.



Further information from

  • Paul McDermott Irish Sports Council 087-6486295
  • Declan Lee OHC 01-6602744



NGB 2009 Funding

National Governing Bodies Core Funding 2009 Women in Sport 2009
Badminton Ireland 379,192 144,400
Basketball Ireland 650,050 250,000
Baton Twirling Sport Association of Ireland 15,250 6,000
Bol Chumann na hةireann 20,422 0
Bowling League of Ireland 28,000 0
Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland 64,212 0
Comhairle Liathrَid Lلimhe na hةireann 127,846 15,900
Cricket Ireland 427,500 0
Croquet Association of Ireland 4,200 0
Cumann Camَgaيochta na nGael 187,000 31,858
Cumann Peile Gael na mBan 220,296 250,000
Cycling Ireland 316,065 8,500
Horsesport Ireland 989,217 0
Golfing Union of Ireland 110,000 0
Horseshoe Pitchers Association of Ireland 5,850 0
Irish Amateur Archery Association 25,500 0
Irish Amateur Boxing Association 209,936 50,000
Irish Fencing Federation 28,400 0
Irish Amateur Rowing Union 193,900 17,500
Irish Amateur Weightlifting Association 17,400 0
Irish Amateur Wrestling Association 16,500 0
Irish American Football Association 18,750 500
Irish Blindsports 45,500 0
Irish Canoe Union 280,250 0
Irish Deaf Sports Association 71,250 0
Irish Gymnastics 169,545 89,000
Irish Hockey Association 270,908 90,945
Irish Judo Association 82,000 0
Irish Ladies Golf Union 51,000 80,000
Irish Martial Arts Commission 25,000 5,000
Irish Olympic Handball Association 40,000 0
Irish Orienteering Association 52,800 0
Irish Sailing Association 334,019 35,000
Irish Squash 215,000 18,193
Irish Surfing Association 69,950 15,800
Irish Table Tennis Association 111,100 43,800
Irish Tae Kwon Do Union 21,100 10,000
Irish Tenpin Bowling Association 25,100 0
Irish Tug of War Association 22,940 0
Irish Underwater Council 65,105 4,000
Irish Waterski Federation 13,500 0
Irish Wheelchair Association 281,125 0
Motor Cycle Union of Ireland 78,600 0
Motor Sport Ireland 150,000 0
Mountaineering Council of Ireland 227,000 23,000
National Community Games 308,845 36,000 0
Shooting Sports Association of Ireland 35,450 0
ONAKAI 11,500 0
Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland 73,433 0
Racquetball Association of Ireland 17,400 0
ROI Snooker & Billiards Association 87,569 0
Special Olympics Ireland 2,564,269 0
Speleological Union of Ireland 26,050 0
Swim Ireland 890,000 120,000
Tennis Ireland 414,295 0
Triathlon Ireland 70,000 85,000
Volleyball Association of Ireland 214,250 95,000
Total 11,471,339 1,525,396