GOLF Team Ireland Golf Trust congratulates Damien McGrane on European Tour win

21 Apr 2008

Padraig O’hUiginn, Chairman of the Team Ireland Golf Trust today congratulated to former Trust recipient Damien McGrane on winning the Volvo China Open; his first European Tour title win.

The Team Ireland Trust was set up in 2000 to assist young Irish golfers who aspired to an International professional career. Damien, at the outset of his professional tour career, received financial assistance of €98,000 over a period of six years from the Trust to encourage and assist him to establish himself on the International scene.

Padraig O’hUiginn said: “Damien’s wonderful success in Beijing justifies the work of the Trust and should encourage other sponsors to contribute to it in order to assist talented young golfers to achieve their potential and promote Ireland as an International Golf destination”.

2008 is the ninth year of the Trust, which has provided more than €2 million in financial support to golfers to date. Twenty-one Irish golfers are supported this year with two female Irish professionals; Rebecca Coakley and Martina Gillen, set to compete on the Ladies European Tour leading the way with the maximum allocation of €20,000 each.

The Trust, which is administered by the Irish Sport Council, aims to contribute to an increase in the presence of Irish golf professionals on the various international tours. It is a partnership between state agencies, private companies and the various golf organisations. Financial backing for the Trust is provided by the Irish Sports Council, Fلilte Ireland,the PGA European Tour and, from the private sector, ONE51 Ltd. 

As part of the Trust’s support package, all the golfers can avail of the world class facilities at the GUI’s National Academy at Carton House as well as coaching from consultant professional golf coach Brendan McDaid. The golfers on the scheme also have free access to the network of service providers such as physiologists, sports psychologists, biomechanists, physiotherapists, doctors etc. offered by the Irish Sports Council to the athletes on the International Carding to the value of approximately €3,000 each year.

For more information:
Sinéad McElroy, Irish Sports Council,