Go for Life Fitline
Go for Life's FitLine gets people motivated Go for Life's FitLine project is a telephone-based service to support older people who want to get more physically active. Research shows that telephone-assisted exercise counselling increases participation in physical activity among people in the community in both the short and the longer term.
FitLine uses the 'Stages of Change' model and 'Motivational Interviewing', similar to many smoking 'quit lines'. The innovation for FitLine is that the FitLine mentors, i.e. the people who make the calls, are all older adults themselves who were trained in the benefits of physical activity and in how to motivate people to be physically active.
After the initial pilot in Louth, FitLine is now running in both Louth and the South Dublin / Wicklow area, thanks to support from the HSE.
Go for Life is the national programme promoting greater participation by older people in sport and physical activity. It is funded by the Irish Sports Council.
[Find out more about Go for Life at http://ageandopportunity.ie/go-life/ and the upcoming Go for Life Small Grants Scheme at http://ageandopportunity.ie/national-grant-scheme