
Funding boost for Local Sports Partnerships announced by Minister Thomas Byrne

25 Oct 2024
Sarah Stanley
  •  Over €2 million allocated under new Participation Nation Outdoor Fund to 30 local sports partnerships 
  • Fund designed to support the installation of barrier-free outdoor sport infrastructure for public use in local community settings


The Minister of State for Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht, Thomas Byrne TD, has confirmed allocations under the new Participation Nation Outdoor Fund.

A total of €2.26 million has been allocated to 29 local sports partnerships across the country to support the purchase and installation of permanent sport infrastructure that can be placed on public land for community use.

In line with the Programme for Government target of reaching 60% overall participation in sport by 2027, the fund is designed to spur physical activity in local community settings by supporting Local Sports Partnerships with the development of barrier-free sport projects on publicly-accessible land.

Allocations are funded by the Department and administered by Sport Ireland. Examples of the type of projects supported under the Fund include 3x3 basketball courts, outdoor soccer tables, table tennis, and outdoor gym equipment.

Announcing the allocations today, Minister Byrne said:

I am very glad to announce the first allocations under the Participation Nation Outdoor Fund which will benefit every Local Sports Partnership across the country. This is a new fund which seeks to increase participation levels in local community settings by assisting Local Sports Partnerships with the purchase and installation of barrier-free sports infrastructure.

As a Government, we want to see our participation levels in sport and physical activity maximised to the greatest extent possible. Budget 2025 represented a landmark moment for Irish sport with our target of doubling the sport budget compared to 2018 levels being reached two years ahead of schedule. 

The Participation Nation Outdoor Fund is another example of how we are working to boost our participation levels and I am confident that it will complement the tremendous community good that is already delivered under both the Community Sport Facilities Fund and the Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund.

I want to thank the Local Sports Partnerships for their work in bringing these sports projects forward and I look forward to seeing them delivered for the benefit of their communities. I am also grateful to Sport Ireland for their work in administering the fund.”

Any queries regarding the fund should be directed to