Facilitation Service

20 Aug 2014

Facilitation Service


Description of Service:

Facilitation is a powerful tool that is used to help individuals and groups more effectively and efficiently achieve their purpose. Facilitators use proven methodologies to effectively facilitate groups, small or large, to produce concrete outcomes, through total participation of the group. This process results in greater commitment to the outcome, greater innovation and improved team spirit.

The benefits of Facilitation are many:

- Better results - The best efforts of groups usually produce better results than individual efforts.
- It increases productivity - through increased participation within the group
- Everyone involved has a chance to contribute and feels they are an integral part of the team.
- Innovation and problem-solving skills are built.
- People are encouraged to think and act for the overall benefit of the group.
- Higher-quality decisions normally result.
- A forum for constructively resolving conflicts and clarifying misunderstandings is created.
- Negative attitudes, low morale, low involvement, and withholding of information are less likely because everyone is involved in a joint process.



- The ISC have sourced independent facilitators who can assist in this area.
- Should you wish to avail of this service please contact abrennan@irishsportscouncil.ie
- The nature of the issue and number of people concerned must be provided at this stage.
- The ISC will put you in contact with our facilitators so you may liaise directly with them.

Please note that the ISC will treat all requests confidentially.