€4.1m Dormant Accounts Funding Boost for Sport and Physical Activity Measures
Sport Ireland has today announced an additional investment package of €4.1m in 2021 Dormant Accounts Funding for a wide range of sport and physical activity measures countrywide.
The investment aims to engage with communities across the country, focusing on people with disabilities, people who are educationally disadvantaged and from disadvantaged communities.
Speaking about the new round of Dormant Accounts Funding, Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for Sport and the Gaeltacht, Jack Chambers TD, said: “The investment package announced today will help deliver a host of projects and initiatives to promote sport and physical activity among us all in society. The importance of being active throughout your lifetime is huge and the Dormant Accounts Funding is a really important way through which we can yet again support hugely innovative projects. I am particularly pleased to see projects to support those volunteering in disadvantaged areas, women in sport and also people with a disability. Sport should be accessible to all, not least because of the general wellbeing benefits it gives. I want to ensure that a ‘Sport for all’ ethos permeates through the sport sector in Ireland. Dormant Accounts funding is crucial to this ambition, and we will be developing this concept further through the upcoming Sports Action Plan.”
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and the Media, Catherine Martin TD, said: “I am pleased to announce this second tranche of Dormant Accounts Funding in 2021 to support sport and physical activity measures. Making sport accessible to all, regardless of ability or socio-economic disadvantage remains a priority for Government. Over the years we have seen great successes from projects funded by Dormant Accounts Funding. I look forward to seeing further innovative and inclusive programmes delivered and more people participating in sport and physical activity right across the country”.
Chairman of Sport Ireland, Kieran Mulvey, commented: “Sport Ireland welcomes this allocation of Dormant Accounts Funding which will aid the delivery of extensive projects to encourage and support sports participation in every corner of Ireland. Once again there is a focus on the key triad of sports – running, cycling and walking. During the Covid-19 lockdowns we saw huge increases in the participation rates in these accessible sports and we are keen to continue to support and encourage that growth. Collaboration across the sector will be vital to the success of these projects and Sport Ireland are looking forward to supporting and engaging with each of them.
Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, commented: “Sport Ireland, its network of Local Sports Partnerships and National Governing Bodies are ready to engage with and deliver the projects supported by this round of Dormant Accounts Funding. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity, no matter what their circumstances. The projects supported by this funding will go a long way to advancing that belief and have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of communities across Ireland”.
As with previous funding announced, the investment is closely aligned with the National Sports Policy and the National Physical Activity Plan. A particular emphasis is placed on implementing programmes to promote physical activity, making sport and physical activity accessible to people with a disability and the development of programmes to address transitions and drop out from physical activity.
Sport Ireland Director of Participation and Ethics, Dr Una May, said: “We are delighted to see the continuation of innovation projects supported by Dormant Accounts Funding. These projects will use innovative thinking to solve the problems that exist in sports participation. There are also a host of research projects which will go a long way to informing future decisions and programmes. People with a disability, women in sport and socio-economic disadvantage are all key areas of investment and we look forward to working with our colleagues across the sector to deliver solutions”.