Ethical and responsible decision making
Principle 6: Ethical and responsible decision makingEach board should ensure and actively promote ethical behaviour and decision making within their organisation. Good corporate governance ultimately requires people of integrity to ensure that the reputation of an organisation is managed, protected and enhanced. A culture of integrity and ethical behaviour is characterised by:
Principle 6.1:That the board establish a code of conduct to guide directors, the chief executive officer and other senior management as to:
Commentary and guidance The code of conduct should set out ethical and behavioural expectations for both directors and
Principle 6.2:That the board ensure key decisions and actions are based on a thorough review of all available information and are assessed against the organisation's risk management framework and that these are documented.
Commentary and guidance When organisations embrace opportunities to expand or promote the sport they should assess the opportunities against the risk framework and key strategic objectives of the organisation. There should be evidence of an evaluation of the benefits and risks prior to any key decision being taken by management or the board.
Principle 6.3:That the board ensure a business case is developed for each major project or significant event/activity prior to the organisation committing resources and that the worst-case scenario has been evaluated and can be mitigated/managed by the organisation.
Commentary and guidance The development of a business case allows sporting organisations to embrace opportunities to expand or promote the sport through a major event/activity by assessing the ability of the organisation to sustain a worst-case scenario loss.Given that most sporting organisations have very limited available resources, the assessment of risk and opportunities is critical to the long-term viability of the organisation. To not develop business cases for major projects and events potentially leads to poor decision making and lack of awareness of the various scenarios that may play out, hence all major events/activities should be fully costed and assessed for variations from budgeted figures prior to the organisation committing scarce resources.