EQUESTRIAN Horse Sport Ireland Receives FETAC Approval

23 Feb 2009

HORSE Sport Ireland (HSI) has been approved as a registered provider by the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC). As a result of this recognition Horse Sport Ireland will be able to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards under the National Framework of Qualifications.

As the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland, the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) gives people the opportunity to gain formal recognition for learning carried out on validated programmes delivered by approved providers.

Horse Sport Chairman Joe Walsh said today (Monday): "Becoming an approved provider is a big task and this represents a major step forward for Horse Sport Ireland. I want to congratulate Alison Corbally and her staff in the Education Department of Horse Sport Ireland for carrying out all of the work required in such a short space of time."

Horse Sport Ireland's Education and Training Manager Alison Corbally added: "Our objective is to provide people across the Equestrian sector with the opportunities to gain recognised qualifications. This exciting development will give people with years of practical experience the opportunity to up-skill from within the industry."

"Horse Sport Ireland is looking forward to working closely with FETAC on delivering quality assured programmes during 2009 and into the future," she concluded.


For more information contact:

Colin McClelland
Press Officer
Dublin, Ireland
Phone/Fax: +353 1 4903193
Cellphone: + 353 (0) 862 556744
email: press@horsesport.ie
web: www.horsesportireland.ie