DEAF SPORTS Badminton Deaflymics

08 Sep 2009

Disappointment in the team events today as Ireland had two matches against India in the morning and Kazakhstan in the afternoon. Team events are men/ ladies Doubles, men/ladies singles and the mixed doubles.

It started with a tough match against the seeded team in the group India. India beat Ireland 5-0.

In the men's singles it was 2 sets to love as Indian Player Bhaker who skilfully managed to defeat Jim Lawlor in a hard match at 21-7, 21-7 in 15 minutes.

The ladies singles match played by Ulster Champion youngster Laura Burns to Vithika, reaching to the end 23rd minute game at a close range 21-12, 21-9 showing some brilliance around the court and fought hard in the good spirit for Ireland.

The men's doubles was also a tight match with John Kelly and Lawlor playing at a high level when they reached at 35 minutes. 2-0 for India (21-19, 21-13)

The following games Ladies doubles showed Amy Mc Millan's ability to disguise her shots over the net and was determined not to let herself and colleague Laura down. Burns demonstrated her mobility and smash power to great effect in this match. It was the first time they have played at an Olympics event and this three sets was a thriller but the final set was "one way traffic" coming in the end 2 sets to one (18-21, 21-14, 21-8)

In the Mixed Doubles the India team were too strong for Kelly and McMillan as they could not cope with the attacking shots from beginning to end. The game did not last long. The Indians won 21-6, 21-7.

In the afternoon playing new opponents Kazakhstan the determined Lawlor at Men's Singles hit deep to the baseline of the opponent's court narrowly going down in 2 sets 21-16 and 21-18.

Ladies Singles, Laura Burns had a close first set at 22-20, she clawed her way back from eleven seven down at the half way stage but lost the 2nd set 21-11.

The Men's Doubles was a very tight and skilful match with Kelly and Lawlor going down 21-19 21-14.

In the Ladies Double's also an Ulster Champion Mc Millan displayed tight net shots that couldn't be returned winning few points, and Burns demonstrating powerful forehand drive shots straight down the line. The game ended 2 sets to love 21-9, 21-7 as the skilful Kazakhstan ladies asserted their authority.

Kelly demonstrating his speed of movement around the court and his ability to disguise his shots along with Mc Millan in the mixed doubles. Kelly and McMillan lost 2 sets to love. (22-20, 21-8) despite the distraction of losing 2 points through umpire error. This caused disruption and frustration in the game but both refused to give up and played some high quality mixed doubles.

Top Irish Badminton Coach Mark Topping, was disappointed that the fighting spirit of the Irish team was not translated into victories in the close matches

Kelly " a very disappointing result today, many thing went wrong, in badminton it always depends on the day no matter how much you have trained"

They face Austria tomorrow and let's hope it brings better results for the team.