Board Reporting
Principle 4: Board reporting and performanceEach organisation should have a comprehensive reporting and performance management system in place to ensure organisational effectiveness and efficiency. It is essential that directors are provided with timely and accurate financial accounts to ensure effective decision making can occur. In addition, the board should review the directors' individual and collective performance, including the effectiveness of the chair, to ensure they are discharging their responsibilities against that of the stated objectives. Ensure a board and individual director development program is in place, including mechanisms to respond to non-performing directors.
An effective system of reporting and performance management should include:
Principle 4.1:That the board should ensure its officers and directors have appropriate insurance cover.
Commentary and guidance It is essential that all directors and officers in an organisation have the appropriate liability and indemnity cover no matter what the purpose or structure of the organisation (for example, not for profit), as once an organisation starts incurring debts and liabilities, directors are potentially liable to provide for any losses incurred.
Principle 4.2:That the board should ensure all new directors undergo an appropriate induction process.
Commentary and guidance The induction process should ensure all directors have:
Principle 4.3:That the board should ensure that a director can access independent professional advice if required and that this is appropriately protected with a deed of access or similar.
Commentary and guidance Board directors and board committee members should be entitled to obtain independent professional or other advice at a cost to the entity on predefined terms. These rights should be documented and provided to directors and committee members. Board directors and board committee members should be entitled to obtain certain resources and information from the entity. These rights should be documented in the deed of access or similar document.
Principle 4.4:That the board should receive timely and accurate financial statements that are presented regularly (preferably monthly). These statements should include the following:
Commentary and guidance The organisation should have a one-year fully costed operational plan, as well as having a more strategic 3-5 year financial plan that should link the financial objectives of the organisation with that of its strategic objectives. It is critical that all directors understand and take their financial responsibility on the board seriously by ensuring they are able to comprehend and challenge the financial information presented to them by management. It is critical that the board has detailed knowledge of the financial health of an organisation, as it is illegal for an organisation to trade while insolvent and the directors could be held
Principle 4.5:That the full board of directors should annually meet and be debriefed by the external auditor on the state of the financial position and systems within the organisation and any issues identified throughout the audit process.
Commentary and guidance To ensure that each director can fully extinguish their fiduciary responsibilities, it is good practice that the full board meets with the external auditor annually to discuss the findings of the audit and any identified issues that may have arisen from the audit. This open and frank discussion allows individual directors the opportunity to receive further clarification of any particular issues to ensure they fully understand the financial operations and health of the organisation.
Principle 4.6:That the board should regularly review and assess its own performance and the performance of individual directors, including that of the chair and its committees.
Commentary and guidance Done well, board assessment can be an extremely productive process. A robust and successful assessment process will give the board: