#BeActive Schools' Campaign 2018

20 Aug 2018

#BeActive Schools' Campaign

Sport Ireland and Active School Flag are again collaborating on the #BeActive Schools' Campaign as part of the European Week of Sport.

The #BeActive Schools' Campaign is a flagship event for the European Week of Sport in Ireland.

This year we are inviting schools to take part in the Tour of Europe Challenge which offers pupils the opportunity to run, have fun and learn.

The Take on the Teacher Challenge will also return again as part of National Fitness Day on the 27th September. Register your school and challenge on www.nationalfitnessday.ie to see who if the students or teachers win.  

If your school is taking part in this challenge be sure to register your event and share your progress with us on social media using #BeActive.

Downloadable Resources

#BeActive Schools' Campaign 2018 Leaflet

Tour of Europe Challenge Chart

Tour of Europe Teachers Notes

Tour of Europe Project Page

Take on the Teachers Challenge