BADMINTON Sam Magee Wins Silver in the Dutch Junior Open

06 Mar 2009

Young Donegal player Sam Magee produced one of the finest displays ever by an Irish junior player when he won the silver medal in the prestigious Dutch Junior Open which concluded on Sunday.

The Raphoe eighteen year old playing men's doubles with French junior star Sylvain Grosjean played at an exceptional level against a world class field defeating amongst others No.1 seeds and World Junior bronze medalists Chooi and Pang of Malysia.

Sam heads onto the equally challenging German Junior Open commencing on 5th March where he will be joined by Tony Stephenson, Sinead Chambers and Emma Calow.

National High Performance Coach Jim Laugesen said " The truly exceptional results achieved by Sam are a just reward for the high level of dedication he has shown during training at the National High Performance Centre in Gentofte.

We are fortunate that he can spar here with some of the top Danish doubles players and he has shown that he has real potential to achieve at the highest level.

We will seek to build on this as we move forward to the European Junior Championships next month and aim for another Irish medal winning performance.

The results of the German Junior can be followed on tournament software here