ANTI DOPING Warning Concerning Various Dietary Supplement Products
- Product: Various Dietary Supplement Products - product names are outlined below
- Reference: QDR-H-09-500
- Authorisation Number: None - These are not authorised medicines
- Manufacturer / Supplier: Various
- Serial / Batch Number(s) & Expiry Date: All in-date batches
- Target Audience: The General Public
It has recently come to the attention of the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) that the below mentioned products which are being marketed as dietary supplements are labelled as containing synthetic steroidal compounds. The presence of these synthetic steroidal compounds renders these illegal medicinal products which have not been authorised for marketing in Ireland and cannot be regarded as safe.
Evidence suggests that these products have been purchased over the internet by Irish customers from one known internet trading company ( and possibly others. The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a recall notice relating to these products.
Action to be taken:
- Any members of the public who are using any of the below products are advised to immediately cease taking the product(s) and to consult with their doctor if they have any concerns. When speaking to their doctor, members of the public may find it helpful to take a copy of this IMB notification with them. Patients should continue to take any medication prescribed by their doctor.
- Any persons holding stock of any of these products should put the packs in a safe place immediately and notify the IMB at the contact details below. Any persons, who have supplied any packs of these products to others, should contact those persons where possible, so that they can be advised of the above.
Further Information:
The IMB wishes to advise that vigilance should always be exercised in relation to the purchase, sale and/or use of any medicinal product, which is not authorised for use in Ireland, and cannot be regarded as safe. These types of products are illegal medicines and should not be purchased for use over the internet or by any other route.