ANTI DOPING ISC's Una May Chairs WADA's Independent Observers

04 Aug 2005

Ireland’s Dr. Una May Appointed as Chairperson of WADA Independent Observers for IAAF World Championships in Helsinki

Dr. Una May, Manager of the Irish Sports Council’s Anti-Doping Unit, has been appointed as Chairperson of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) panel of Independent Observers for the IAAF World Athletics Championships which take place in Helsinki, Finland. The World Athletics Championships get under way this Saturday.

Dr. May’s appointment is a reflection of how highly Ireland’s Anti-Doping programme is rated internationally, particularly by WADA. During the World Athletics Championships, Dr May will act as Chairperson of the Independent Observers (IO) for WADA, a role that aims to ensure that procedures followed during doping controls are fair and unbiased, which will hopefully lead to greater public confidence in the anti-doping process.

The IO’s will observe the different phases of the doping control process in a neutral and unbiased manner, to verify procedures were followed, and to list their observations and recommendations in a final report. Since the Sydney Games in 2000, IO’s have been present at world championships, Olympics and other major competitions.

Dr. Una May has been working with the Irish Sports Council since 1998 and has managed the ISC Anti-Doping Programme since 2001. She has a PHD in exercise physiology and BSC (HONS) in sports science from John Moores University in Liverpoool. She has represented Ireland in both orienteering and mountain running.