ANTI DOPING Irish Sports Council publishes Anti-Doping Report for 2007

09 Apr 2008

In another record year of testing for the Irish Sports Council 1,135 tests were carried out in 37 sports. There were three adverse findings in 2007, with two resulting in sanctions, one in martial arts and one in rugby. 

The testing programme continued to expand in 2007, carrying out 886 tests under the National Programme, with 60% of tests taking place out of competition. 249 tests under the User Pays programme brought the total number of tests to 1,135 in 37 sports.

The testing programme included the full service provided to the IRB at the Under 19 Rugby World Championships in Belfast in April 2007, the largest event covered by the Irish Sports Council. 

Brendan Buckley, Chairperson of the Anti-Doping Committee, said: “The testing programme in 2007 was very extensive with a relatively high number of tests by international standards”. 

The testing programme in 2008 will include every athlete who may represent Ireland at Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

Ossie Kilkenny, Chairman of the Irish Sports Council, commented: “2008 is an Olympic and Paralympic year and brings a renewed focus on the area of doping in sport. The Council will ensure that every Irish athlete who may compete in Beijing at the Olympic or Paralympic Games will be tested”. 

A significant development for the Anti-Doping Unit in 2007 was taking over the administration and management of the testing programme, allowing the Unit more effective control over this key aspect of the doping testing process. The new system involves the Sample Collection Personnel reporting directly to the Unit rather than to an external agency.

John Treacy, Chief Executive, Irish Sports Council; “2007 was a big year for the Council with a comprehensive testing programme and bringing the testing in-house. There were significant initiatives in education and training. 2008 will present different challenges but we have put in place an excellent programme that has a proven record in the area of anti-doping”. 

For Further Information:

Paul McDermott, Irish Sports Council, 01-8608802, 087-6486295
Sinéad McElroy, Irish Sports Council, 01-8608804, 087-6338512