All Island High Performance Conference

30 Sep 2007

All Island Sports Conference in Belfast next week

The 5th biennial All Island Conference hosted by Sport Northern Ireland and the Irish Sports Council will take place on the 11th and 12th October 2007 in the Hilton Hotel, Belfast.

This conference will bring together a dynamic range of speakers and workshop hosts to present and discuss the following topics:

  • Talent Identification and Development – finding tomorrow’s athletes, today.
  • Fit for purpose Governing Bodies – ensuring a sound foundation for high performance sport
  • Challenges in High Performance Planning
  • Challenges in providing world class support to athletes in Ireland
  • Beijing, London and the Olympic Council of Ireland
  • Building and sustaining talent development and high performance systems
  • Developing high performance coaching structures
  • Developing institutes of sport in Ireland

A limited number of spaces still exist. If you work in high performance sport and wish to attend this conference please RSVP