ISM 2022

The Irish Sports Monitor (ISM) is a long-established survey providing an ongoing measurement of sports participation in Ireland. The ISM measures both recreational and competitive sport as defined in the National Sports Policy:

“recreational sport means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or regular participation, aim at — (a) expressing or improving physical fitness and mental wellbeing, and (b) forming social relationships” “competitive sport means all forms of physical activity which, through organised participation, aim at — (a) expressing or improving physical fitness, and (b) obtaining improved results in competition at all levels”.

Further, the 2022 ISM measures multiple domains of sport focusing on active sports participation but also social participation in sport which includes club membership, volunteering, event attendance and for the first time in 2022, the ISM measured National Governing Body (NGB) membership. Finally, the ISM also includes questions to measure recreational walking, as well as walking and cycling for transport.

In addition to the continuous measurements of sports participation, the ISM includes a number of special modules at various points throughout the year. During 2022 these included measurements on safety when participating in sport, membership of NGBs, spending on sport and the impact of inflation. These individual measurements add significant value to understanding particular dynamics that may be impacting on participation levels.